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2,698 FollowersOvunque hanno censurato i miei video, quindi proverò caricarli qui, censurati e non. Il mio cuore e doppio ed ecco perché a volte faccio i video in due lingue...
Ovunque hanno censurato i miei video, quindi proverò caricarli qui, censurati e non. Il mio cuore e doppio ed ecco perché a volte faccio i video in due lingue...
Video pensieri di un viaggiatore dello spirito
Associação Defesa dos Direitos Humanos
All My Links ► https://tapmybio.com/nathansifugaming Husband, Father, Gamer! Also Catholic. I love games of all kinds, particularly retro games and indies, although there are AAA\'s that I like too. I enjoy non-violent, very violent, platformers, story driven, horror, retro, you name it! I occasionally make non Let\'s Play videos and sometimes not even game related at all. I have a merch store, T-Shirts, Hoodies, Mugs, Waterbottles, Phone cases, and More https://shop.spreadshirt.com/NathanSifuGaming If you liked this video, follow and like all the followey and likey things! If you\'d like to support me, see links below :D ----------------------- This Playlist: ----------------------- Check out my playlists! ► https://www.youtube.com/NathanSifuHD/playlists ----------------------- Follow me on: ----------------------- Gab ► http://www.gab.com/NathanSifuGaming Minds ► http://www.minds.com/NathanSifuHD Parler ► https://parler.com/profile/nathansifugaming/ ----------------------- Live Streaming: ----------------------- DLive ► https://dlive.tv/NathanSifuGaming Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/NathanSifuHD cgn.us ► http://www.cgn.us/NathanSifuGaming ----------------------- My Videos on: ----------------------- BitChute ► https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nathansifugaming/ D.Tube ► https://d.tube/#!/c/nathansifugaming cgn.us ► http://www.cgn.us/NathanSifuGaming FruitLab ► https://fruitlab.com/channel/EY1Ek3sEc9uTrxwC ----------------------- Support Links: ----------------------- Donate some PIPS on Fruitlab ► https://fruitlab.com/channel/EY1Ek3sEc9uTrxwC Donate some LBC to my LBRY ► https://lbry.tv/@nathansifugaming:8 "Like" one of my D.Tube Videos. ► https://d.tube/#!/c/nathansifugaming Buy from my Merch store ► https://shop.spreadshirt.com/NathanSifuGaming Or you can donate directly! ► https://subscribestar.com/nathansifugaming
Hi everyone, my name is José Sardinha, I'm Portuguese and I've been living in Brazil for 13 years. I make several types of decorative effects and try to teach the easiest way. Among the effects are: stone effect, brick, burnt cement, tree bark, and many others. Which can be made with glue cement, acrylic mass, various types of paints, with various types of textures. I excelled in the wood effect with cement glue and I'm known because I invented making the designs (grooves) with an old broom. I also show you jobs to help you with everyday problems, where you would have to pay dearly, such as: how to change the rubbers on the fridge door, how to install a shower. These are simple things to help you. I only ask that if you want to help my channel grow and reach more people. Leave the LIKE 👍 SHARE, SUBSCRIBE, if you are not already subscribed to the channel and leave your comment. Ask your friends to subscribe. *HELP THE CHANNEL GROW*
O Zuga TV nasce com a proposta de aproximar a cultura portuguesa da cultura brasileira através de vídeos com pessoas super interessantes e os mais variados temas. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ AJUDA O ZUGA! Se desejas CONTRUBUIR para o canal podes fazê-lo utilizando uma das opções abaixo: Muito obrigado pela tua ajuda! PIX: 11716796709 MBWAY: +351 915167672 Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=H6PFSR9EE9T5L Bitcoin Address: 15LCdXiRWBZGVFtFLU2Riig7poZKDQ35L3 Ethereum Address: 0x69f7f2732CB0111c249765ea5631fC81dFF23dB4
Partilhar com a humanidade conhecimento avançado, para acordar Consciências!
Join me on my daily motorcycle rides, 4-H trips, medieval fights, house projects, musical pieces, and so much more!
Video game stuff from a ramblin man
i do a little of this and a little of that
At ExpatsEverywhere, we believe that living abroad transforms lives. Join us on this journey as we take your anxiety levels down to zero and equip you with the info that you need to make a smooth transition.
Viver em Portugal é o sonho de muitos, principalmente brasileiros. Viver em Portugal significa desfrutar de um clima amigável, paisagens magníficas, habitantes acolhedores, cultura rica e uma vasta variedade de oportunidades. Uma das melhores partes de viver em Portugal é o estilo de vida mais relaxado que você experimenta. Você pode desfrutar de atividades como ir às praias, conhecer a histórica cidade de Lisboa, visitar vilarejos medievais do interior português, e saborear a gastronomia típica portuguesa. A qualidade de vida em Portugal é consideravelmente alta, graças às suas leis estáveis, segurança social, e transportes públicos eficientes. Portanto, viver em Portugal é uma oportunidade única de desfrutar de tudo o que o país tem para oferecer. Você pode desfrutar da vida a um ritmo mais lento e aproveitar o custo de vida baixo, a qualidade de vida alta, e uma cultura emocionantemente estimulante. #portugal #viveremportugal #brasileirosemportugal
Vídeos para redes sociais
Criado de gamers para gamers, a Gaming Portugal é um website independente de videojogos com 13 anos de existência.
clips de hip hop Portugues
These are some very sexy girl expressions and make your mind fly
Fugate Family Videos and slide shows
Walking and Driving through Random Areas in Portugal.
Hiking, backpacking, and enjoying the outdoors in Southern California and beyond.
A Obra dos Anjos é um movimento eclesiástico dentro da Igreja católica romana, ligado à Ordem dos Cónegos Regrantes da Santa Cruz.
Flying above the beautiful Portugal land and cityscapes.
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