Christopher's Anti-Dumbass on this Timeline


THIS CHANNEL MAKES NO MONEY In Idaho, This is for GOD and Jesus Christ, Rapture is Near. Rapture. Staticdriver (Military. Father, and Saved by Jesus) shares some news headlines from GOD loving people. I remind you I'm not a prophet I'm not a pastor, and I'm not even a great teacher, I'm just a GOD fearing man that loves the Lord I really love talking about the Lord and I love hanging out with you chosen ones. I worked for US military, a Power Company, a Major Food stores, CGI/Computer programmer, Repair Electronic FAA Airplane/Airline Company. HOW TO BE SIMPLY SAVED. THE BAD NEWS. We are all sinners. (Romans 3:23) We deserve to be punished in hell for our sins. THE GOOD NEWS. God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for all of your sins. He was buried and rose again to give you eternal life as a free gift. (1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Romans 6:23) HOW AM I SAVED? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. (Acts 16:31) WE ARE SAVED by grace through faith alone in Christ alone. (Ephesians 2:8-9) ETERNAL SECURITY is a promise of God, who cannot lie. (John 6:47; Titus 1:2; Ephesians 1:13-14) GET THE Free BIBLECODES EBOOK! BIBLE CODES UNSEALED - BY SEAN MITCHELL Sean dedicates this labor of love to Jesus Christ, who showed me His unconditional love by taking the penalty for my sins on the cross of Calvary. He is the source of my inspiration, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. All praise, honor, and glory be to God Almighty forever and ever. Amen.​ backup channel -> On Gettr and on X

Unwritten Timeline


We hope you are able to enjoy our videos as we sail around the world on a 42\' Antares Catamaran. There will be good times, there will be bad times, and we hope that our videos and blog will help anyone wanting to start this type of lifestyle and also provide a little entertainment. I know we will be entertained. We will try to show all aspects of the cruising life from boat purchase, sandy beaches, touring far off lands, and even a few colder destinations. Come check us out at

TrueLife News


TrueLife Investing is about taking a real life journey into the world of investing pertaining to our finances, well being, knowledge and community. We all have different cards that we have been dealt in life, but that doesn't mean we can't do our best to be the best person we can be. I will bring you up to date news concerning things that are going on around us, in terms of stimulus, the stockmarket, investing and more. Please Subscribe and share your thoughts and Ideas with our community so we can all prosper and grow together in our journey to financial freedom.

Golden Age Timeline


This channel is about how to choose to leave the control matrix and transition into a higher, more benevolent timeline, or The Golden Age Timeline. If life is a game, then we are in final exam time. The intense scenarios happening on the world stage are designed to teach wise discernment. It’s to wake you up so you can get back a life of purpose and meaning.  If you've already on the awaken path, you are likely meant to lead and help others. Here we help you find and develop your purpose in the Golden Age timeline. We explore how to shift subconscious "mind stories", get clarity on your mission and  purpose, overcome procrastination, and build authentic self confidence. It's an intersection of esoteric knowledge to empower humanity, life purpose clarity, personal growth, emotional well-being, and spiritual development.

Harmony Turbines

11 Followers Tinkerer, out-of-the-box thinker, inventor and entrepreneur, Christopher Moore has been involved in Clean Energy research since the late 1990's. For most of his early years he did open source work on his website, sharing everything he was working on openly with the world. In 2017 Chris shifted gears and began the process of patenting his wind turbine technology. He founded Harmony Turbines Inc in August 2020 continuing the previous R&D work and patent filings. In June 2022, Chris's wife, Cheryl, joined him full-time at Harmony Turbines in an effort to help towards the final push through prototyping and producing test and beta units. At Harmony Turbines, we believe in transparency in our efforts, successes and struggles, therefore our project updates are honest, sometimes silly and sometimes raw. We hope you will continue following our journey as we make our way through development and testing and eventually into production.

The Way True Life Style Elytz


FoLlOw Me, SiMpLiFy YoUr LiVeS, StAy HoMe, LeT ThE EaRtH AnD ThE CrEaTiOn ReCoVeR, We CaN Do EvErYtHiNg FrOm HoMe, No XcUsE, ThE IrReSpOnSiBiLiTy MuSt CeAsE, DoNt Be SeLfIsH, EnD ThE NeEdLeSs SuFfErInG, LeTs WoRk ToGeThEr, BaLaNcE HaRmOnY, ThErE Is OnLy OnE EtErNaL BrAnD, ThEe WaY TrUe LiFe StYlE ElYtZ, It Is NoT If BuT WhEn, AuToMaTe ThE ProCeSs SusTaInAbLy, MaKe It FrEe AcCoRdInG To NeEd, SeEk FiRsT To Be PeRfEcT As ThEe CrEaToR Is, AbUnDanT, AvAiLaBlE At YoUr DoOr, StOp ThE UnConScIoUs ChAoS, EvErYoNe TrYiNg To OuT Do EvErY OnE, ThErE Is OnLy OnE WaY, ToGeThEr As OnE, Or FaCe ThE CoNsEQuEnCeS, YoU HaVe ThE OpTiOnS, MaKe It HaPpEn Or It WiLl Be TaKeN FrOm YoU, AnD TaKe CarE Of ItSeLf ThE HaRd WaY, ReMeMbEr On EaRtH As It Is In HeAvEn, PiCtUrE HeAvEn, AnD MaKe It HaPpEn HeRe NoW, ReStOrE ThE MaJeStY ThE GaRdEn, Of EtErNaL LiViNg LoVe, StAy In YoUr LaNe AnD Do YoUr PaRt, I DiD MiNe.... I Am JuAn FrAnCiScO DiAnA MaRkS ThEe HoLy SpiRiT Is WiTh Me, I HaVe No FeAr, No LiMiT, TrY Me, I LeAd ThEe WaY, AnD YoU NeEd My SkIlLs AnD XPeRiEnCe, So I Am HeRe To ShArE, I CaRe, PeAcE Be WiTh YoU AnD YouRz Me AnD MiNeS AnD EveryOne EveryWhere AllWayS ✌️😘 ☝️😌 We Love You Holy Spirit, Thank You For You, For Us, For EveryThing, And For EveryOne, For Loving Us Especially, We Will Live And Share Together 4 ForEver, 3 FreeDom 2 Food 1 Fun 🌐 For U.S.A.ll U.nited S.pouse Of A.moRica, CelebRating 4 ForEver 3 Peace 2 Truth 1 Love 🚫 No Fear, Loves Holy Command Is Our Will, Love Is WithIn And ThroughOut U.S.A.ll, Holy Spirit United With You We Live A Perfect Life Making All Life Perfect I Am JuAn FrAnCiScO DiAnA MaRkS 💐🦋🌌💗🏞️🦋💐 Peace Be With You, These Are My Social Networks, If You Or Anyone Else In The Family Ever Want To Connect And Share With Me THE WAY TRUE LIFE IS ALIVE! WE BELIEVE! COME! Www.FaceBook.Com/TheWayTrueLife Www.YouTube.Com/@TheeWayTrueLife Www.Twitter.Com/TheWayTrueLife Www.Instagram.Com/TheeWayTrueLife Www.AmAzOn.Com/ShOp/TheWayTrueLife 💐I L💖VE Y'ALL, WE ALL FAMILY, ALL THE SAME, YET ALL UNIQUELY BEAUTYFULL/HANDSOME, THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS THE TIME WHEN WE ACCEPT THE TRUTH & WHEN WE RECEIVE THE LIFE EXPERIENCE, EVENTUALLY ALL WE WANT IS TO L💖VE & BE L💖VED, HAVE & SHARE GOOD TIMES & NOT HURT ANYONE, THAT IS THE WAY💐 💐DON'T JUDGE ANYONE, BE A LIGHT TO THEM, THEY ARE YOU IN A DIFFERENT TIME & PLACE💐 IF YOU KNEW WHAT THEY KNEW & HAD WHAT THEY HAD WHEN THEY HAD IT, YOU PROBABLY WOULD HAVE CHOSEN WHAT THEY CHOSE, WE DO WHAT WE KNOW, & NOBODY WANTS LESS THAN THE BEST OF WHAT THEY KNOW, SO LETS GIVE OUR BEST, SO WE CAN LEARN & GROW TOGETHER💐 I AM AN ARTIST, LIFE IS MY CANVAS, MY EXPERIENCE IS MY BRUSH, MY EXPRESSION, MY E-MOTION, MY ENERGY IN MOTION IS THE PAINT, WHAT I SHOW.... I OVERSTAND IF YOU PAINT A DIFFERENT PICTURE, YOUR JUST SHOWING WHAT YOU KNOW.... I LOVE YOU.... KEEP MOVING FORWARD, KEEP YOUR EYES, HEART, MIND, OPEN, BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF, YOU NEVER KNOW, WHEN YOU WILL SEE, YOUR FUTURE, OR YOUR PAST, GIVE EVERYONE A CHANCE TO LEARN, WHAT YOU WERE ONCE IGNORANT TO, WE ARE YOU, YOU ARE WE, THE WAY TRUE LIFE STYLE ELYTZ, WE ARE THE LIGHTS OF THE WORLD, NOT THE JUDGE.... LIVING AND SHARING TOGETHER 4 ForEver 3 FreeDom 2 Food 1 Fun 🌐 For U.S.A.LL CelebRating 4 ForEver 3 Peace 2 Truth 1 Love 🚫 No Fear! MY DREAM IS TO BUILD A PLACE WHERE WE LIVE AND SHARE TOGETHER 4 FOREVER 3 FREEDOM 2 FOOD 1 FUN 0 FOR ALL! GOD IS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND MERCY THAT IS ALL I AM SURE WONT CHANGE, NO RELIGION CAN CONTAIN THIS FULLY.... IM DONE, YOU CAN FIND ME AROUND THE WAY, 1 @ THE WAY TRUE LIFE Sincere Treally, El Pa Don Juan FranCisco Diana Marks Owner of The Way! We Are! It Is! I Am! Living and Sharing Together 4 FOREVER 3 PEACE 2 TRUTH 1 LOVE 0 NO FEAR! Connect With Me Family🖖🤴 InstaGram FaceBook Www.FaceBook.Com/TheWayTrueLife LinkedIn Twitter Www.Twitter.Com/TheWayTrueLife YouTube Www.YouTube.Com/@TheeWayTrueLife NeXtDoOr AmAzOn ShOp Www.AmAzOn.Com/ShOp/TheWayTrueLife Amazon my movie Amazon my books BING THE WAY GooGle The Way Sent from my SonIm XP8 Outlook Mobile 💐🦋🌌💗🏞️🦋💐 Above Is My Contact Information If You Want To Connect And Share Peace Be With You Family 💐🦋🌌💗🏞️🦋💐

Famous Quotes, Inspirational Quotes, Inspirational Quotations, Motivational Quotes By presenting the immortal Quotations of famous men, the doors of thought are opened to the audience and readers.


Welcome to the my Truelif99 rumble channel. There is so much extent glory & everlasting beauty in nature. The world is an amazing place full of stories, beauty & natural wonder. Explore My Truelif99 rumble channel and meet the animals & wildlife of your world. Nature has offered us a lot of lovely, amazing and beautiful animal and plant species. We observe birds, trees, forests, deserts, flowers, rain, snow falling, oceans, rivers, lakes, hills, islands & glaciers around us consistently. Thanks a lot for my visits Truelif99 rumble channel.

Timelines uncovered


Channel Description: “Welcome to Timelines Uncovered! Dive deep into the stories that shaped our world. From ancient civilizations to modern revolutions, we explore the events, people, and moments that defined history. Join us on a journey through time as we uncover hidden truths, challenge popular narratives, and bring the past to life. Whether you’re a history buff or just curious about the world, there’s something here for everyone. Subscribe and let’s uncover the past together!”



Welcome to Timeline - the home of world history. Every week we'll be bringing you one-off documentaries and series from the world's top broadcasters, including the BBC, Channel 4, Discovery and PBS. We'll be exploring the mysteries of ancient Egypt, shedding light on the dark ages of medieval Europe and examining the First and Second World Wars. Subscribe so you don't miss out. Timeline is part of the History Hit Network. To get in touch please email

Unlocking History's Secrets History Unveiled The Chronicles Hub Past to Present: History Info Echoes of the Past Timelines and Tales Discover History The History Vault Legends & Legacy Facts from the Past


**Histryinfo**: Dive into the fascinating world of history! 🌍 From ancient civilizations and epic battles to legendary figures and forgotten stories, we bring the past to life. Whether you're a history buff or just curious about the events that shaped our world, this channel is your go-to destination for insightful facts, detailed timelines, and engaging narratives. Subscribe to explore history like never before! 📜✨