A Troubled Land || Sharing our history, one video at a time...


Northern Ireland is a region of scenic beauty, rich culture and Celtic charm – but its recent history has been marred by political tension, sectarianism and terrorism. Between 1969 and 1999, the world watched in despair as Northern Ireland was wracked by unrest and violence that bordered on civil war. This three-decade period is euphemistically referred to as ‘the Troubles’. Join me as I unlock and remaster many unseen documentaries on the conflict in the north of Ireland. I am remastering most, fixing the quality of both video and audio to the best of my abilities. As a child of the troubles and growing up in a family and community at the heart of the conflict , I lived and breathed the conflict. I will also cover international conflict documentaries where available. I do not condone any violence from any side. "Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes". (Carl Jung)

Elwin Robinson


This channel is dedicated to sharing Education and Science Based Tools that Combat Premature Aging by Optimizing Health, Energy and Wellbeing. My mission is to help people feel Stronger, Healthier and Happier, by using strategies such as Bio-identical Hormones, Nutrition, Peptides, Detoxification and Lifestyle Optimisation. Modern Science has now proven that a Healthy, Youthful Body makes it infinitely easier to feel good. When you feel youthful and healthy, it's much easier to be kind to yourself and those around you, and to have the Energy and Passion to Create a life you're happy with. I feel blessed to have discovered this for myself, and I feel even more blessed to be able to share this with you Be sure to Subscribe so we can stay in touch, and I can keep you up to date on my latest discoveries. To learn more about the Insights you can get from your DNA, go to: https://geneticinsights.co To learn more about Elwin Robinson, go to https://feelyounger.net/pages/about-founder