Michael Franzese Verified


Welcome! For those who don't know me, I'm Michael. I was a former capo for the Colombo crime family back in the 1980s & best known for being one of the top money earners for the mob since Al Capone. Fortunately, I've been able to walk away from that life and reinvent myself (unlike many of my associates during that time). And for the past 25 years, I’ve traveled around the world speaking at corporate leadership events, churches & prison ministries, and to pro sports teams. I’ve also launched multiple successful businesses and have helped close deals that have brought in millions of dollars. On this channel, I share my experience, advice, and point of view on various topics.

NTD Français


New Tang Dynasty (NTD) Television est une chaîne de télévision indépendante, à but non lucratif, établie par des Chinois vivant à l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'étranger. Notre mission est de défendre la liberté d’expression et liberté de la pensée, contribuer au pluralisme et à la libre information dans les médias en langue chinoise et française. Originellement en chinois, NTD diffuse depuis 2004 en anglais des nouvelles au quotidien et une grande variété de programmes. Récemment le français, l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'espagnol et le russe viennent compléter cette évolution.

Constantly Curious Verified


Visit: https://constantlycurious.net/ The CIA Stargate project was a combination of decades long research which attempted to discover if telepathic abilities or remote viewing could be used to assist the military with intelligence gathering. The CIA conducted a series of training sessions in which a monitor would give a viewer a set of coordinates, and the viewer would describe to the monitor what they saw. In the year 2000, the CIA began releasing thousands of documents related to this program, including transcripts between the monitors and the viewers. In one example we see the viewer attempting to locate a Marine Lt Colonel who is presumed to be held captive. And in another example the viewer’s target is Somalian Warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid, the warlord who constantly smokes a cigar in Black Hawk Down. And while these are fascinating to read, they make practical sense. However, the strangest transcripts involve targets on the planet Mars. The viewers are instructed to travel back to a certain time period, specifically 1 million years BC, and report their findings. They describe a civilization of intelligence beings who are hibernating underground due to a deteriorating environment on Mars. In addition to descriptions of alleged conversations the viewers had with these extra terrestrials. They also include diagrams and drawings describing what the viewers claimed to have seen. The viewer notices tomb like structures, similar to Egyptian pyramids. They also describe the presence of above-ground water on Mars. Even stranger, it was later discovered that these Martian coordinates came from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, who would later place the Curiosity rover on Mars. Website: https://www.dontcensor.us/groups/constantly-curious/ FIGHT BACK against the FAKE NEWS with FREE access to the MOST ADVANCED VOICE SYNTHESIZER available on the market at >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://myfreevoice.net <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Join me on Discord: https://discord.gg/3zHJHvfrKg Join me on Locals: https://constantlycurious.locals.com/

Robert Anthony Photography


Join me as I travel the country looking for the best in photography and backpacking hikes. I travel in my van. I hike. I camp. I photograph whatever I feel like.\\\\nIn 2016 I started hiking in the mountains with my son and since that time have migrated from boudoir photography to landscape photography. In my videos, you will see a lot of my travels, a lot of photography tips and tricks...and places that you will wish you could visit. \\\\nWho knows, you might just be inspired to head out to some of the places I am going to show you in my videos.\\\\nI\\\\\\\'d love to have you along for the ride to see and experience some of the most special places in the world.