Honest Watch Reviews


Hi. Welcome to Honest Watch Reviews (HWR). I'm James and I do unboxings and reviews of budget watches and straps from AliExpress and various microbrands. I only started collecting towards the end of 2018, but it's definitely become an obsession. So much so, that I started this channel. I don't claim to be an expert, I just try to do simple honest reviews. I hope you find my videos useful. If you do please consider liking, sharing and subscribing. As it really helps to support the channel. Here's the links to my social media and affiliates: https://linktr.ee/HonestWatchReviewsHWR

Get Off My Lawn!


"This is the true story of a Gen X-er picked to do a podcast and give his personal views on Pop Culture, Politics, Sports, News and more, So find out what happens when people stop being polite and start getting real. - ‘Get Of My Lawn’ As we grow into an ever changing world and new Generations are born, only one stays the same with their distain for all others - ‘Gen X’. We survived riding bikes without helmets, No cell phones, understanding you go home when the street lights go on. We lived through Hair Metal and watched the birth of Grunge. We witnessed ‘Two’ Bush’s become President (That’s what she said.) and the First African American take office. We watched in horror as the Towers fell and rejoiced at the Socialize Digital Age. (‘The Internet’ - Sorry Al you didn’t invent it.)But all in all, We lived our lives with the understanding that playing it safe is not the way to go through your existence. As the world is facing more turmoil than we have every seen before and as we witness a clear division of our Society a voice of ‘reason’ and ‘sanity’ needs to be heard. To bad that ain’t me … Hear me ramble daily about everything from Pop Culture, Politics, Sports, News and more and get the clear as ‘Mud’ perspective of this Rambling Gen X-er. Enjoy!