Ron DeSantis
240,935 FollowersCity Prepping
5,087 FollowersEquipping City Dwellers To Survive in Times of Crisis
4,172 FollowersThe Age Of Aquarius
2,077 FollowersThe Great Awakening, entering the Age Of Aquarius
Fog City Midge
1,600 FollowersPolitical interviews, news & activism from Maggie McCarthy @fogcitymidge
1,191 FollowersNachDenkSeiten - Die kritische Website
706 FollowersNachDenkSeiten – die kritische Website NDS sollen eine gebündelte Informationsquelle für jene sein, die am Mainstream der öffentlichen Meinungsmacher zweifeln und gegen die gängigen Parolen Einspruch anmelden. NDS wollen hinter interessengebundene Kampagnen der öffentlichen Meinungsbeeinflussung leuchten und systematisch betriebene Manipulationen aufdecken. NDS sollen den Prinzipien der sozialen Gerechtigkeit und der Solidarität wieder mehr Geltung verschaffen. NDS wollen für die Einsicht werben, dass für die Mehrheit der Arbeitnehmer gemeinsames Handeln mit Hilfe von Betriebsvertretungen und Gewerkschaften nach wie vor notwendig ist. NDS hinterfragen die modisch gewordene, pauschale Feindseligkeit gegenüber allen staatlichen und öffentlichen Einrichtungen und den dort arbeitenden Menschen. NDS wollen zeigen, dass Kriege zur Lösung von Konflikten nicht geeignet sind und werben für das friedliche Zusammenleben der Völker und für fairen Ausgleich zwischen armen und reichen Ländern.
Cream City Catholic
687 FollowersAndreasTournavitis
554 FollowersBridge City News
512 FollowersThrough daily newscasts, and online content, Bridge City News shares a grass-roots perspective of current affairs to serve our audience in Lethbridge, Southern Alberta, and beyond. Our vision is to inspire viewers to make a difference in the world and to rid them of apathy. We want to tell compelling stories and give influencers a platform to speak into the lives of fellow Canadians.
468 FollowersLibertarian leaning refutations of various nonsense
Macabim - Doctors and Scientists United to Save Humanity
434 FollowersPhysicians, Scientists, and Community Activists Standing for Truth, Medical Freedom, and G-d Awareness. We promote early, lifesaving treatment for corona, and oppose the injection and the vaccine mandates. We stand for free speech, freedom of information, informed consent, and transparency. Please support our critical work. We are taking on tremendous debts for the sake of the public.
381 FollowersGeorge Galloway MP British Journalist
373 FollowersBritish politician broadcaster, and writer who is currently leader of the Workers Party of Britain, serving since 2019. Between 1987 and 2010, and then between 2012 and 2015, Galloway was a Member United Kingdom (MP) for four constituencies, first for the Labour Party and later for the Respect Party, the latter of which he joined in 2004 and led from 2013 until its dissolution in 2016.
BritishBiker Philippines
365 FollowersTalking to myself as I ride my bike around the Philippines
325 FollowersAtlantis Rising Research Group
321 FollowersAtlantis Rising Magazine
Jesse Duplantis Ministries Broadcast
320 FollowersJesse Duplantis Ministries' Weekly Broadcast Channel shares God’s message of salvation through Jesus Christ with the world. We want everyone to have an opportunity to know the real Jesus. Approachable, personable, compassionate, and full of joy, that’s the real Jesus that Jesse knows and loves. And it’s his mission in life to make sure everyone on every continent has an opportunity to know Jesus, too.
280 FollowersTellitlikeitismb
258 FollowersAntisocialmedia
223 FollowersRadiantIsrael
222 FollowersUFO Technology Research
217 FollowersProfessional Physics Analysis of UFO, Conspiracy, and Science Related Topics
Community Assembly of the British Isles
195 FollowersWe share information, knowledge, skills, services and resources contributed by members working in cooperation to foster the growth and effectiveness of our network. We believe in working together as a team to create the lives we want for ourselves. The idea is to allow people to make their own choices. We do not try to take over the running of Local groups but rather plug them in to a network which allows for the free sharing of information. This approach has seen other free thinkers join our group to add their own services to ours so that we now have the Community Assembly of the British Isles, Community Hubs, Community Law Courts, Community Peace Service (Peace Keepers), Community Light Brigade and the Community Health Initiative. Join our Community today by visiting or contacting:-
192 FollowersLocal central Illinois news station bringing you local content.
Canhoto Armamentista
184 FollowersSeja bem vindo ao canal do Canhoto Armamentista! (eu não tinha nome melhor pra batizar o canal) O objetivo deste canal é trazer entretenimento e informações para todas as pessoas que se interessam por armas, técnicas de tiro, testes balísticos e legislação. Alguns vídeos serão informativos, outros voltados para comentários e por último mas não menos importante, muitos vídeos conterão sarcasmo e bom humor. Se tiver dificuldade de classificar o conteúdo que viu no canal basta deixar nos comentários que responderei assim que possível. Sobre comentários: Seja livre para comentar suas opiniões, inclusive aquelas que forem contrárias às expostas aqui. Se puder ser bem educado, não perca a oportunidade. Se não puder tudo bem! Só não espere o mesmo de mim ok? Aceitamos inscrições de canhotos, destros e ambidestros, seja na habilidade motora ou visão política.
167 FollowersAscension Guidance & Spiritual Awakening
158 FollowersThe Goal of this channel is to assist those on their Spiritual Awakening and Ascension Journeys. I am a Guide not a Teacher and Aim to be able to point people to find their True Life's Purpose. I have been on this journey for over 50 years and am Guided by BEings of Light and Love we call Archangels and Star Beings.
Hub City Homestead
152 FollowersWelcome to our little piece of Heaven! We are building a little homestead on 1/4 acre of land and loving every minute of it. Thanks for joining us.
148 FollowersAccording to scripture: The Word was born in a Sukkah on the High Sabbath of The Feast of Sukkot - 15th Day of The Seventh month, 3998 FC; Thursday, September 26, 3BCE Luke 2:7-20 John 1:14 "We Walk by Faith Not by Sight" I do exactly what the Father has commanded Me! 1 Thessalonians 2:14-15 𝕱𝖔𝖗𝖌𝖎𝖛𝖊-𝖒𝖊 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖒𝖞 𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖘𝖊 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖆𝖌𝖊 𝖎𝖘 𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖎 𝖆𝖘𝖐 The Creator did not leave us defenseless he has given us weapons to fight against evil times go to Ephesians 6:12-18 it will tell you to put on the full armor of god for spiritual combat, because we do not fight against flesh and blood, we fight against principalities and powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:23 peace, be to the brethren, in love with faith from The Creator, the Father and the Word. To our brothers in Truth. The word Fascism has been used instead of Communism. Fascists love and build the country they live in. Whereas a Communist will hate and destroy the same country. If only people would seek truth instead of remaining willfully ignorant. Martyrs Of World War Two by MIKE WALSH "If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains." "Edomite jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860." - Encyclopedia Judaica 1971, Vol. 10:23 Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew. -1980 Jewish Almanac p. 3 “Edom is in modern Jewry.” —The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol.5, p.41 [show less]
146 FollowersXRP British Bull
143 FollowersDaily Crypto Videos
Mid City Digital
136 FollowersWeb hosting, domains, design, and support
TCCSA: Twin Cities Creation Science Association
133 FollowersSee a creationist perspective of science the third Tuesday of the month (except December).
Flip City Magazine
126 FollowersOfficial channel for Flip City Magazine
Spiritism - The Third Revelation
124 FollowersSpiritism is the third revelation after the Old and New Testaments. It has been brought to us by "The Spirit of Truth" as promised in the New Testament..
15 Minute Cities
120 FollowersQFS Sistema Finanziario Quantistico
117 FollowersINFORMAZIONI DETTAGLIATE DEL Computer Quantistico #QFS - da ASHTAR COMMAND e i PLEIADIANI I video e le informazioni condivise in questo canale sono informazioni reali inviati da benevoli ET che ancora oggi sono presenti sul nostro pianeta . Le informazioni da noi fornite sono moltissime , quindi per capire bene come funziona la nuova tecnologia e necessario che viviate questa pagina come una scuola , dovrete studiarle e metterle in pratica . Q F S - SISTEMA FINANZIARIO QUANTISTICO - La parola stessa lo dice Quantico significa che questa tecnologia si interfaccia con il DNA umano , conosce la vostra posizione di conseguenza sa sempre ciò che inviate e ciò che ricevete . Sa innanzitutto che state ricevendo tali informazioni Sa del vostro sistema di credenze installato nel vostro cervello Sa se commentate e con quale vibrazione lo fate. ALLINEAMENTO ALLE NUOVE TECNOLOGIE AL 2023. Questa tecnologia e presa in custodia da ET benevoli e se prendete consapevolezza di essere già agganciati a questa nuova rete anche se non avete conti la vostra vita cambierà in un modo quantico - ASCENDERETE ALLA 5D OVE NON ESISTE IL MALE - Il male può esistere solo se si contribuisce in qualche modo ad alimentarlo , ammettiamo che il mondo e stato governato da ET malevoli ma , se prendete consapevolezza che sono stati alimentati da coloro che li temevano fareste bene d'ora in avanti a mantenere le vibrazioni al positivo , in quanto questo mondo è sotto la vigilanza dei Cappelli Bianchi. IL QFS VI CONOSCE , DIO SA TUTTO. Quindi non parliamo solo delle finanze , il computer ha memorizzato tutto fin da quando e nata la terra Il computer Quantico e più vecchio della terra , e stato inventato molto prima che il pianeta stesso venisse creato. Immagine e somiglianza , anche le tecnologie terrestri inventate dall'uomo , infatti esse sono state canalizzate dall'inventore dell'epoca ed erano le stesse entità che oggi abbiamo presenti sul pianeta. ANCHE ADESSO MENTRE SCRIVO QUESTO POST DI BENVENUTO. Vi vogliono solo ricordare di prendere in mano la vostra consapevolezza non delegate il male non prendetevela con il male, esso è solo più un residuo che non può resistere su un PIANETA ASCESO . anche se con inferiorità di persone ascese, questi ET ad alta vibrazione sono incarnati sulla terra , essi sono la pulizia del vecchia vibrazione , essi sono nella politica , sono in mezzo a famiglie. Rilassati , concentrati solo nel bene , DIO sa tutto e in primis conosce anche te che leggi , e io che ho scritto . BUON LAVORO ASHTAR COMMAND 169443 ATON
117 FollowersDr. Toni Engram encourages you to take control of your family's physical, mental, and spiritual health, because we were all meant to flourish.