

Hi, Welcome world, My name is Himani. I live in Arizona, USA & I born & brought up in Andhra Pradesh, India. I\'m a Home maker & YouTube vloger. I recently started (Feb 21st 2019) making YouTube videos (few memorable moments of my life) & enjoyed it so much. So, decided to keep going!!!! Finally, if you all want to know more about me & to know updates of my latest videos, Please Subscribe to My Channel. DISCLAIMER: This channel DOES NOT promote or encourage Any political, government or illegal activities, all contents provided in my all videos by this channel is meant for GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSE only & should not be considered as PROFESSIONAL ADVICE. This channel DOES NOT RESPONSIBLE for any harm , side- effects, illness or any health or skin care problems CAUSED DUE TO THE USE OF MY CONTENT, information or anything related to THIS VIDEO OR MY CHANNEL