Base Ten Montessori Education


Welcome! My name is Teresa and I am a certified AMI primary guide through the Montessori Institute of San Diego. I have an undergraduate degree in early childhood education and a masters in education through Loyola University. I am also a trained Orton-Gillingham instructor through the Michigan Dyslexia Institute and Central Michigan University. My goal is to break free from the traditional public school view of education and support home school families and teachers who want to provide alternative educational experiences for their children and community. On this channel, I want to provide skills-based learning for parents, teachers and students so we can change how we approach the educational system. I believe in supporting and empowering parents so that they can educate their children at home as much as possible. This channel is dedicated to education without indoctrination.

BGL steht auf!


Wir sind BGL steht auf! \\n\\nWir sind normale Menschen, die mit der Gesamtsituation sehr unzufrieden sind. Der 2. Lockdown hat das Fass zum Überlaufen gebracht und wir versuchen alle Fronten zu bedienen um unserer politischen Führungsriege deutlich zu machen, dass der eingeschlagene Kurs katastrophal ist: Der juristische Weg über die Gerichte, der politische Weg über unsere lokalen Repräsentanten, Demos und lokale Aktionen, um sich mehr Gehör zu verschaffen usw. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nWir wollen keine Führungspersonen sein oder Macht haben, wir wollen einfach wieder ein normales Leben führen können ohne drakonische, willkürliche und unverhältnismäßige Verordnungen von machttrunkenen Politikern. Jeder ist eingeladen selbst aktiv zu werden, wir unterstützen wo wir können!

Teh AnKorage


I do many things from cleaning things up, doing restorations to some degree and even fixing things or making new things, usually out of old things. I may even travel about. I am also an advocate in online privacy, decentralization, federation, security and so-on. I tinker with many things Linux and hardware. I go with what works, and make things work in whatever way or ways that may come to mind. So grab your drinking horn of your beverage of choice and join me on my odd adventures. Skål! * Teh AnKorage is on Akkoma(it is like Twitter, but ethical). * Teh AnKorage is on Pixelfed(it is like Instagram, but ethical).

Ten Minute Micro Meditation


Ten Minute Micro Meditation is your YouTube Sanctuary to raising your frequency towards Higher Consciousness. These Ten Minute Micro Meditations are designed to compliment your daily meditations, to play in the background during your day, or to assist you in getting a more restful sleep at night. Your support is greatly appreciated. If you like what you see, please be sure to hit that SUBSCRIBE Button, hit the LIKE Button on the videos, and SHARE with your Friends.

San Ten Chan the italian YouTuber


Hello dearest friends I'm your good San Ten Chan. For over eight years now, upload videos to my YouTube channel to share my thoughts with all of you. I am now also a passionate podcasters and spreakers in Spreaker and I publish photos and videos on Instagram. Thanks for continuing to follow, I am pure present on your Twitter. Be attentive to the interest of your interest, if you have a video or radio program, suggest: I accept every suggestion. cordially, San Ten Chan President, Principal Conductor, Movie Maker, lead actor, conductor, president, CEO and chief operating officer to the San Ten Chan Youtube channel

Van terugslag tot terugkoms: hoe EazyTradeHub jou besigheid kan help om weer op te staan


Welkom by eazytradehub, jou poort tot sukses in die dinamiese wêreld van besigheid! 🌍 Verken in-diepte insigte wat strek oor besigheidsuitvoer, uitstallings, versending en koerierdienste. Of jy nou 'n B2C-entrepreneur, vervaardiger, pasgemaakte agent of gebeurtenisorganiseerder is, ons kanaal is jou bron vir strategieë en neigings. Sluit by ons aan om die geheime van suksesvolle handel, doeltreffende verskeping en floreer as 'n jobpreneur te ontsluit. Ons inhoud maak voorsiening vir 'n diverse gehoor en bied waardevolle kennis vir handelaars, vervaardigers, vervoerders en almal tussenin. Teken nou in vir 'n magdom inligting om jou besigheidsreis oor verskeie sektore te verhef! 🚀💼🌐

O canal que te ajuda a crescer


Eu acredito que todos nós temos um potencial incrível para realizar os nossos sonhos e superar os nossos desafios. No meu canal do youtube, eu compartilho dicas, histórias, reflexões e exercícios para te ajudar a despertar a sua motivação e a transformar a sua vida. Se você quer se sentir mais confiante, feliz e realizado, inscreva-se no meu canal e acompanhe os meus vídeos. Eu tenho certeza que você vai se inspirar e se motivar com o meu conteúdo.