The Tom Laipply Podcast Verified


This country was founded on Christian principles and the roles of Patriot and Pastor sometimes mixed. The pulpit was a place where religious tradition mixed with political philosophy. If it were not for strong men of God, who were unafraid to speak outwardly about their faith and take strong political stands, this country would not be what it is today. Sadly, most Pastor’s do not see the importance of keeping their church body informed politically. Tom does not subscribe to this philosophy. He believes it is extremely important to share the Gospel, Win the Lost, Disciple Believers, and to keep the church informed of what is going on politically so that we can “resist” the devil’s schemes and plans.

Knowledge They Don't Want You To Know


This is a Channel For Awakening Intelligent Freethinkers - Who Always Question What They've Been Taught. Almost everything we've been taught by the government matrix Freemason Controlled Puppets has been the opposite of Truth. Educated People Never Question What They've Been Taught... Intelligent People Always Question What They've Been Taught! THE WAY THE GOOD HATS WIN IS BY UNITING We Have Powers You Don't Even Know We Have - The only way to get this powers back is with hidden knowledge and they using them - If we don't use it we lose it. We Are In The Age of Awakening... please don't drink are take industrial waste fluoride the GOVT adds to almost everything, so we can connect back to source using our Pineal Brain Gland. I am in the same process of learning just like you. Once We start to awaken to who and what we really are, there's no going back to low vibrational thinking and being completely thought controlled in this duality realm land of Adventures & Dreams. New Worldwide Resets are coming, we are in the middle of a reset right now and most people don't even notice. Your Friend TRUTH ZONE II

Tom Grieve


Attorney Tom Grieve is an ex-criminal prosecutor who now leads the largest criminal defense firm in Wisconsin. He is a former instructor, competitive shooter, and a relentless 2nd amendment advocate. Tom has been interviewed and appeared in numerous media outlets, ranging from the New York Times, CourtTV, Fox News, Reuters, Washington Post, National Public Radio, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, among many others. He is a frequent Continuing Legal Education course speaker to teach and update both lawyers and judges in developments in the law in the 2nd amendment and deadly force space, in Wisconsin and nationally. Tom also gives presentations on self-defense topics both in Wisconsin and to audiences around the country at expos and seminars. Tom has also contributed to the national conversation in writing on emerging legal topics and has been published in Conceal Carry Magazine and elsewhere. YouTube Channel: