

一個絕對代表自由的頻道。 A channel that stands absolutely for FREEDOM. 在此我們揭露台灣所沾染的無稽之談和瘋狂。敵人來自內部,是那些千方百計製造社會衝突和動亂的建制政客,他們用謊言和不切實際的承諾來愚弄不同的社會群體。 Here we expose the non-sense and insanity that Taiwan has been contaminated with.The enemies are from within, the establishment politicians that try by all means to create social conflict and unrest by fooling different social groups with their falsehoods and impractical promises.

Western Ohio Railway - Prototype Videos


The Western Ohio Railway is a freelanced model railroad company which I use to organize my railfanning interest. This channel has been created to share prototype videos made through the years. In recent years, most of my attention has turned to the Cincinnati Eastern Railroad operating on the Cincinnati District of the Norfolk Southern between Cincinnati and Portsmouth, OH. Railfans of this line affectionally know it as "The Peavine". In addition to the channel, I have a web site that describes my modeling plans, a full collection of my photos and a library of materials posted to facebook by other railfans of the Peavine. You can find this additional material at

Stairway to Heaven with Gwilda Wiyaka Verified


As we transition from the Piscean age to the Aquarian marked by entering a highly charged portion of the galaxy, there are shifts in the ambient frequency impacting the planet. The Stairway to Heaven, created and hosted by Gwilda Wiyaka, is a series of TV Vignettes designed to bring updates and insights into the ever-changing, elevated frequency currents now bathing the planet and affecting us all. The source of vital information for the evolving human being.

Eisenbahn Railways Ships Machines Modeltrains Modelships


Ich komme aus Deutschland. Videos: Eisenbahn, Traktoren, Schiffe, Motoren. I am from Germany. Videos: railways, tractors, ships, motors. Ich filme: Eisenbahnen, Gartenbahnen, Schiffe, Motoren, Oldtimer, Dampfmaschinen und auch ab und zu Tiere. Der Schwerpunkt meiner Videos liegt aber auf der Eisenbahn. In der Regel lade ich mehrmals pro Monat ein Video hoch. Im Wechsel mit den neuen Videos stelle ich immer auf meiner Kanalseite in dem Abspielfenster ein älteres Video erneut vor. Über Kommentare und Bewertungen freue ich mich immer sehr. Viel Spaß beim Anschauen meiner Videos! Grüße :) Megatwingo