Pardon My American
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Pardon My American Channel
From history to today, what makes America exceptional? Let's talk about it!
A collection of musings from a Patriot and freedom-loving American! I write the truth, and I fight for Liberty! I write so each one of us can be heard. Although I've been censored on many major sites, I just won't shut up! Please don't forget to like and subscribe. Thank you in advance!
Intelligent and intellectual analysis of current events and politics, with lots of callbacks to American history and lots of laughs! Two political cartoonists, a left-of-the-Democrats socialist and a conservative libertarian discuss and debate election campaigns, scandals, wars and anything else that's in the news. Never mind the shoutfests! Because award-winning artists Ted Rall (syndicated columnist, essayist for the Wall Street Journal, ex-staff cartoonist for the Los Angeles Times, Pulitzer finalist, bestselling Gen X author of "Revenge of the Latchkey Kids," "To Afghanistan and Back" and "Bernie") and Scott Stantis (Chicago Tribune cartoonist, contributor to Centerclip, Winner of the Sigma Delta Chi Journalism Award, "Prickly City" comic strip creator) are best friends, disagreement is respectful and intelligent, minds get changed and insights are gained.
Join Earl "The Wildman" Baldwin on his personal journey through Southern Appalachia in East Tennessee. The people and places that have influenced him stand front and center as he spins his tales of mountain life with humor and wit. Earl creates an amazing atmosphere for those who want a break from the chaos of living in the modern world. Rambunctious, candid, and refreshingly unpolished.
What happens when a notorious left-wing political cartoonist becomes best friends with his buttoned-up right-wing conservative colleague? Intelligent and intellectual analysis of current events and politics, with lots of laughs! Two political cartoonists, a left-of-the-Democrats socialist and a conservative libertarian discuss and debate election campaigns, scandals, wars and anything else that's in the news. Never mind the shoutfests! Because award-winning artists Ted Rall (syndicated columnist, essayist for the Wall Street Journal, ex-staff cartoonist for the Los Angeles Times, Pulitzer finalist, bestselling Gen X author of "Revenge of the Latchkey Kids," "To Afghanistan and Back" and "Bernie") and Scott Stantis (Chicago Tribune cartoonist, contributor to Centerclip, Winner of the Sigma Delta Chi Journalism Award, "Prickly City" comic strip creator) are best friends, disagreement is respectful and intelligent, minds get changed and insights are gained.
Análisis, Geopolítica, Economía, Ciencias Sociales, Recursos estratégicos nacionales, Reflexión, Política, Filosofia, Militancia y la vida misma. Un camino de ida por la coyuntura, el pensamiento crítico Suramericano, ideas y visiones en una gran mixtura, bien rústica, de nuestro acontecer como nación camino a ser libres, justos y soberanos. con Enrique Aurelli Te queremos contar que parte de este trabajo podemos hacerlo gracias al apoyo de compañerxs donantes que colaboran mensualmente con Templanza Suramericana, Cada persona aporta lo que puede según su situación. Nos gustaría invitarte a q también apoyes el trabajo q hacemos x una sociedad más justa, libre, soberana, equitativa e igualitaria. La donación promedio actualmente es de $3000 mensuales, es decir, $100 por día. No hay un valor mínimo para realizar una donación mensual. Podrías hacer un aporte menor, q se acomode mejor a tu economía. al CBU: SOL.MAYO.PLAZA Nuestras redes:
Looking for things we all have in common, the real soul of America.
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