Funny animal videos composition number 21 please the best stick back and charge positively funny animal video funny cats dog other animals please follow me if you like it like it you comments and share with other friends


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Steve On The Sticks


Hi all! My name is Steve and I am self-taught on the drums but have been a creative writer for most of my life. I spent time playing other people's music, but recently was motivated to record a few songs. Nothing ground breaking, but just to get the experience and learn how to do it. And not only did I learn a lot but the experience in creating the songs themselves were the final reward. I share with the world to hopefully motivate others that if I can, you can. Hope you enjoy my music!

Stick War Legacy

1 Follower

In a world called Inamorta, you are surrounded by discriminatory nations who devote themselves to each country's technology and strive for dominance. Each country has developed its own unique way of defending and attacking. Proud of their unique craft, they became obsessed to the point of cult, turning weapons into religion. Each believes that their way of life is the only way, and is dedicated to teaching their policies to all other nations through what their leaders claim to be divine intervention, or as you will know... war. The others are known as: "Archidons", "Swordwrath", "Magikill", and "Speartons". You are the leader of a nation called "Order", your path is peace and knowledge, your people do not worship their weapons as gods. This makes you a sign of infiltration by the surrounding countries. Your only chance to survive is to attack first, and acquire technology from each country along the way.


1 Follower

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