Brent Allan Winters - A Common Lawyer Comments


Biblical Teachings with Brent Allan Winters (B.S., M.Div., Th.M., J.D., J.L.) Subject: Exodus- How God deals with Income Tax! 2023-10-15 Get more of Brent Allan Winters at If you would like to have a copy of Brent reading from his Good Book Uncooked, visit Learn about Brent Brent has written nine books available here The Good Book Uncooked: A Common Lawyer Translates the Bible from the Original Tongues & Annotates (a raw translation of the Bible, with over 36,000 footnotes and 150 appendices, 3483 pages). Family Bible – Good Book Uncooked: A Common Lawyer Translates the Bible from the Original Tongues is a raw translation of the Bible without footnotes and appendices. Excellence of the Common Law (contrasting the foundations of our common law of the land with the civil-canon laws of the city, 958 pages); Declaration of ’76 & U.S. Constitution: A Common Lawyer Comments, Clause-by-Clause (250 pages); Don’t Talk to the Police: The Ultimate American Weapon (unpacking the history and reasons for our common-law duty to remain silent and its proper use, 96 pages); Militia of the Several States: Our Constitution’s Answer to Enemies, Foreign & Domestic (unpacking the interplay of our Constitution’s four Militia Clauses, 206 pages); Juror Handbook (tracing the Jury’s ancient common-law ideals and expositing the Bible’s authority for the 12-man Jury: our common law’s final arbiter, from who’s decision there is no appeal among men, 96 pages); Arts of Freedom -vs- Arts of Thralldom (unpacking the only four liberal arts, the arts of language: reading, writing, listening, speaking, 106 pages); God’s Irrevocable Trust Settlement with Abraham (expounding God’s irrevocable, that is unconditional, trustee-beneficiary relationship with His people, 115 pages). Brent’s Law School Courses available here American Grand Jury Constitutional Sheriff™ Four Boxes of Freedom Magna Carta Clause by Clause Drafting a Common-Law Asset Protection Trust Due Process Common-Law Trust Evidence at Common Law Thank you for your support.

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