There are two other channels with different content, they are: OUTDOORHIKES and THEFILMHOUSE. ---------------------------- Knowledge is a Shield to Fear ---------------------------- However you labor to feed yourself and your family, “money” is a proxy for the hours of your life, your most important and limited asset. When a man robs you, he takes hours of your life that will never be replaced. __ annon ---------------------------- Thumbnail Picture: Ghosts In The Machine Orchestra 4thpsyopgroup SOF ---------------------------- There have only been two instances in the history of U.S. presidential elections where the House has picked the president. The first was during the presidential election of 1800, in which Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson fought it out to become the leader of the young nation. When the electoral votes were counted, the two Democratic-Republican candidates came out exactly tied. The final decision of the contested election was then handed over to the House of Representatives, who cast their ballots to officially elect Jefferson as president. Aaron Burr was the Vice President to Thomas Jefferson due to a 36 times tie vote broken by Alexander Hamiltons changed vote. This began a feud between Burr and Hamilton that ended on the shore of the Hudson River in Weehawken NJ where Hamilton was shot in a duel, 1804, July 7 and died a day later. The second time the House chose the president was during the contentious 1824 election. After none of the four presidential candidates received a large enough majority, or over 50 percent of electoral votes, the presidential decision was handed to Congress. It took until Feb. 9, 1825 for the final decision to be made. John Quincy Adams was announced as president, much to the chagrin of Andrew Jackson and his supporters. ---------------------------- The Americans Creed I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, for the people, where just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a Republic; a sovereign Nation, of many sovereign States; a perfect Union, one and inseparable; established upon these principles of Freedom, equality, Justice and Humanity for which American Patriots sacrificed their Lives and Fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution; to obey its Laws; to respect the flag; and to defend it against all enemies. by William Tyler Page ----------------------------------- May 31, 2023 Washington, D.C. – Today, Rep Victoria Spartz (IN-05) issued the following statement on her “NO” vote on the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023: “The fiscal state of our nation: over $30T or $30 Million Million ($30,000,000,000,000) of current debt, over $100T of obligations, over $6T spent annually with no real budgets, completely Un auditable financials, hundreds of billions of improper payments, and a -$1.5T shortfall just in 2023, increasing to a -$2.8T annual shortfall by 2033. The so-called Fiscal Responsibility Act punts this issue till 2025 with a total enforceable (FY23-25) effect of less than $200B, and not even a discussion of our path forward. Why would we even bother coming to D.C. – we can do demagoguery from home or perform in a traveling circus instead?” ----------------------------------- my Pre-911 Website ----------------------------------- 1000^1 = 1000 1000^2 = 1000 x 1000 = 1 Million 1000^3 = 1000 x 1000 x 1000 = 1000 x 1 Million = 1 Billion 1000^4 = 1000 x 1000 x 1000 x 1000 = 1 Million x 1 Million = 1 Trillion

Snakk med Silje


Jeg inviterer interessante personligheter som jeg ønsker å bli bedre kjent med. I tillegg til at gjestene forteller om sitt interessefelt forteller de også hva som gjør at de engasjerer seg i det de gjør, gjerne også hva i livet deres som har bidratt til at de i dag er opptatt av disse tingene og ikke minst hva de føler og tenker om samfunnet og fremtiden. Noe av målet med podcasten er at vi skal forstå hverandre bedre, bringe folk nærmere hverandre, redusere stigma og bidra til at vi blir litt mindre dømmende. ► STØTT SNAKK MED SILJE Jeg setter enormt stor pris på alle som ønsker å støtte podcasten. Det gjør at jeg kan holde podcasten åpen og tilgjengelig for alle. For å gi donasjoner kan du søke opp “Snakk med Silje” i Vipps eller bruke vippsnummer: 806513

Dav Kaufmans Reptile Adventures


I’m Dāv Kaufman, and I travel the planet in search of reptiles and amphibians in wild, exotic places and also tour some of the most incredible private reptile facilities, visit amazing reptile expos, and go behind-the-scenes at reptile zoos from all over the world! So come with me, and join my Reptile Adventures! Dāv Kaufman is based in Minneapolis, Minnesota and is also a multiple award-winning filmmaker and a critically acclaimed author. ★ New Videos every Saturday at 9am (Pacific)! ★ ► Help support reptile education on Patreon: ► Get Dāv's new novel and more at:



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