Engineer Muhammad ALi Mirza Official


Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza is a well-known Islamic scholar and speaker from Pakistan. He is known for his extensive knowledge of Islamic scripture and for his ability to deliver complex concepts in an easy-to-understand manner. He has gained a significant following on social media and YouTube, where he shares his lectures and teachings on various aspects of Islam, including Qur'anic studies, Islamic history, and contemporary issues facing Muslims. Mirza holds a degree in Electrical Engineering and has also studied Islamic theology and law, allowing him to bridge the gap between science and religion in his teachings. His lectures have been praised for their clarity and depth of knowledge, making him a popular choice among Muslims seeking to deepen their understanding of their faith.



Mark Borax founded Soul Level Astrology in 1987. Its roots grew out of the pioneering 20th Century astrology movement led by Dane Rudyhar and Marc Edmund Jones. These visionaries fundamentally shifted the understanding of astrology from being a fixed system of meanings to an organic, living system where the stars come alive. Mark's system draws upon the insights of Ellias Lonsdale, a student of Jones and Rudyar. In the 90's, Mark began his apprenticeship with Lonsdale. He has spent over 35 years practicing with tools he's learned and developed. Mark's first book 2012: Crossing the Bridge to the Future, tells how Lonsdale and Borax birthed a new astrology. It's called Star Genesis, the foundation of Mark's Soul Level Astrology. Mark's new book The Ruby Heart of the Dragon: Sun Signs for our Times revamps the zodiac. ​This soul-level view turns around stuck behavior patterns to a cosmic quest for meaning. It helps us to know that, however strange life gets, however cut off we may feel, however small we may shrink in the face of dilemma, we are nevertheless part of some greater evolutionary force that cannot be stopped. This macrocosmic organism functions better when we awaken to our part. When we awaken to our place in the grand design we lift our sights out of pettiness and mediocrity to the mythopoetic adventure of the well-lived life.

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Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza - Official Channel


About Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza is among the few Islamic scholars and researcher working towards the propagation of true Islamic principles and the unity of Muslim Ummah based on solutions from Quran and Sunnah regardless of any sect or school of thought. According to him no sect ( Sunni, Shia, Wahabi, Deobandi, Barelvi, Ahl-e-Hadith or whatever) is completely wrong and at the same time not totally correct. There are controversies that have developed due to the scholars of the relevant sects defending their ideologies and hiding the truth from their followers. Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza highlights and corrects these controversial issues with true references of Quran and Sahih Hadith. Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza does not consider any sect as Kaffir except ‘Qadiyani’ (offshoot of Sunni school of thought) and ‘Nusairi’ (offshoot of Shia school of thought). Official Cell No. : +92-321-5900162. (Call Timings: 09:00 am to 05:00 pm). Official Website :