Liberty Forum Of Silicon Valley Verified


We are the largest, most successful grass-roots liberty-minded group in California. As such, we are the place for liberty-loving patriots from Silicon Valley and beyond to gather, share ideas, and become empowered. ​ We promote the principles of American liberty through education. We provide a forum with prominent speakers every month and other opportunities throughout the year for people to join together in the cause of liberty and freedom, contributing our efforts to activities that preserve America as the highest beacon of freedom, individual rights, and responsible free market entrepreneurship.

Forum Borealis


POLITICS - SCIENCE - PHILOSOPHY - CULTURE - HISTORY - Forum Borealis is a paradigm expanding podcast conducting old school longform CONVERSATIONAL in depth interviews. We explore controversial, marginalized, innovative, obscure, anomalous, & system critical topics within history, culture, philosophy, science, & politics with the most interesting authors, scholars, researchers, & freethinkers of today. Our programs are chronologically arranged in different series collected in separate playlists (see All programs are gratis & listener funded. Please consider supporting our work and help cover costs by subscribing to our channels, liking & sharing our posts, & disabling ad-block at our vids. Subscribe to our website ( and get direct access to all shows before public release + various bonus & backstage clips. Thanks.

Freedom Forum USA


Freedom Forum USA exists to promote Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Truth. We are an aggregate channel offering clips from the best in conservative politics and news analysis of current events. We believe America is at the crossroads. This is a pivotal time in history when those who cherish freedom and the American dream must stand up and be counted. Stand up for something or you will fall for anything! "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men [and women] to do nothing." -Edmund Burke #Trump2020 #GodBlessAmerica #KeepAmericaGreat

Airgun Detectives


This channel is dedicated to the unbiased Airgun reviews and analysis. I am bringing over 30 years of Law Enforcement experience including extensive firearms training. Many of our future guests have a Law Enforcement background but we will also experience an occasional novice shooter. I hope to bring you new and innovative airgun videos which will include both handguns and rifles. My personal collection of Airguns exceed over 300 different models and my collection continues to grow every month. I have been shooting airguns my entire life and in the recent years have developed this into a serious hobby and a retirement adventure. I have tuned, and customized numerous guns and created many accessory options. I hope our videos will be extremely informative as well as enjoyable and entertaining.



Welcome to the official channel of HuskeyDrums! Each video on this channel features a high-quality audio and video recording in which I perform a song in its entirety. I strive to capture the energy and spirit of the original track, emulating and paying homage to legendary drummers, and occasionally adding my own interpretation when appropriate. All drums are played live by me, Matthew Huskey, and no triggering is used. I strive is to inspire and teach other players. I want to share my knowledge and experience with others who are passionate about drumming. Hopefully, I can contribute in my own small way in the continuing process of inspiring a new generation of drummers to continue the legacy of this incredible instrument. So if you're a fan of music and drumming, or just looking for some great covers to add to your playlist, be sure to subscribe to this channel and join me on this journey to create the best drum covers on Rumble!

Fountainhead Forum


The Fountainhead Forum is a show dedicated to discussing many important topics that are key to living a great life. This includes libertarian politics, the values of the Enlightenment, and self-improvement. I may not endorse or agree with every guest on the Forum. However, I do attempt to bring on people who are sincerely looking for understanding and knowledge. This may include guests whose values seem to be polar opposites on the outside, but are very much alike on the inside.

The Free Speech Forum


Welcome to The Free Speech Forum YouTube channel! This channel is used to provide videos, podcasts, and live streams pertaining to the The Free Speech Forum and its users. The forum invites you to visit the site and see first hand what we are all about. The forum is growing every day and has a current user base of more than 2600 members. Please leave a comment and hit subscribe to ensure you don't miss any future content. Facebook: TheFreeSpeechForum Instagram: The Free Speech Forum Twitter: TheFSF_ Twitch: TheFreeSpeechForum Donate at:

The Drum Shed


Founded by Nicholas Sansone, The Drum Shed’s mission is to build a music lessons community to share ideas and knowledge, and explore musical concepts. Nicholas is a graduate of The Collective School of Music in NYC studying drums, percussion, music production, and songwriting. He has performed, composed, and produced for indie artists, such as Ace Nation and Love Pocket. In 2021 Nicholas branched out on his own, founding The Drum Shed after teaching privately at Guitar Center for six years. He resides in Queens with his wife Celestine.

The Oracle of Athena


This channel will focus on Mathematical, Logical, and Philosophical topics, especially paradoxes and conundrums that I think will engage a large segment of the people who have an above average interest in such things. I will occasionally stray into other areas that have logical or mathematical roots or for which I believe I can share an important and interesting insight. The views and solutions presented are uniquely my own, based upon my experiences and thoughts and analysis concerning a topic. Because most ideas are wrong as I have been reminded, you will probably find weaknesses in the ideas presented on this channel. However, that may be the price we pay for focusing on our own thoughts about a topic. If you are looking for the high probability presentation or opinion, you are not likely to find it here. That may mean that I am wrong more than right. You be the judge. I am hoping that instead of being right, I am presenting an interesting and useful perspective.

Sirius Times Media Verified


Sirius Times Media is the primary online streaming channel for Along with its sister channel, TAOS TV - The Ark of Sothis video Archives, Sirius Times Media has one of the largest catalog of Black consciousness and cultural videos available on the internet or anywhere else. We are the evolution of "The Mental Liberation Posse" a network of bookstores and other organizations who produced, shared, and marketed the information to our communities around the country and abroad. Now we are able to share our programming like we never could before and we want to make the information we have held in trust available to a new generation. The evolution of consciousness continues... And so it is... so mote it be. Become a member of our community: