SIGOPS - Signals Operations We look for music and artists who stand out and can move people to promote. We take no monetization for this channel. We mix all music genre here and try to keep ALL great music and new media relevant. We look for established & mature music as well as new talent that you may not have heard of before. This is a labor of Love for the Music and the Artists that move us with their creations. Our goal is to call attention to artists and make them known to as many people as we can with the intention to pique peoples interest in the art and the artist and support them. If an artist does not want to be promoted they will not be. MUSIC CAN SAVE THE WORLD In signal processing, a signal is a function that conveys information about a phenomenon. Any quantity that can vary over space or time can be used as a signal to share messages between observers. The IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing includes audio, video, speech, image, sonar, and radar as examples of signals. If these signals we are broadcasting here are traveling through the Galaxy the life forms picking them up are Feeling It! **Use Bookmark Folders in your browser to save the bookmarks to the music you like here. You can share those links with friends as well. *Update 12/14/2023 Rumble has added Playlists. They have done a great job in implementing a fantastic addition for our music viewers and this will make it much easier to enjoy the selections. ** 10/26/2024: We have changed the track reference numbers under show more in the liner notes to reflect the song start time in albums per requests. Allows changing tracks directly to a song. Contact:

Library of Gnosis


"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king." Welcome initiate, this page was created to archive and spread Gnosis (Knowledge). On this page I will be uncovering our hidden history, and a vast variation of topics relating to just about everything. Science, Economics, Philosophy, Morality, Esotericism, Hermeticism, Gnosticism and everything within and without, and above or below. Join me as we journey into the unknown and explore occult (hidden) and sometimes purposely obfuscated knowledge.

From Breast Cancer Diagnosis Through Prevention


To say the first few months of a cancer diagnosis are overwhelming is an understatement. So much information. So many tests. So. Many. Appointments. So many questions. So much research (if you're like me). And then you have all the follow up appointments and phone calls in-between. ...oh, and then that little thing they call surgery. I've spent the past several months learning as much as possible about Invasive Lobular ER+, HER- breast cancer. In the process, I've gained an invaluable amount of knowledge that may benefit other women as they navigate their own journey. I'm new to vlogging, but I'm excited to share my journey with you. I hope my videos will serve as a roadmap to help you prepare for your appointments, manage your journey, and ask tough questions of your doctors. I also encourage you to seek second opinions and consult with naturopaths.

Coach Gnosis : The Holy Spirit Life Coach

1 Follower

Every Saturday at 11:11 am EST on Tiktok at : I speak, teach, and discuss what it truly means to "Know Thy Self" as a Son of God, YHWH. I will be uploading my live video recording herein for now. Live Saturdays (#sabbath) 11:11 AM Est: Experience Truth & Join Newsletter to Receive Updates: Are you #seekinggod? Embrace the call of your soul as you embark on a magnificent journey to uncover the very essence of existence itself. What is the #SpiritualJourney? It's the awe-inspiring path of self-discovery, where every step you take is a sacred dance of awakening and growth. Do you identify with being a #FaithSeeker? Embrace your role as a fearless seeker of faith, ready to explore the depths of belief and wisdom. I have #DivineWisdom that you may have. Let's share in the profound insights that transcend the ordinary, guiding us towards higher understanding. I have attained #KnowingGod, and you can, too. Let's journey together to that intimate space where the divine presence resides within us. #GodsLove knows no obstacle. Let me show you the boundless, all-encompassing love that can heal and unite us, transcending any challenge. #SpiritualGrowth begins with true guidance from one who knows. Allow me to be a guiding light on your path to self-improvement and enlightenment. #FaithInspiration is what I AM; Love is who I AM. Do you see? Together, we can radiate faith and love, becoming beacons of inspiration for others. I am here to show you #GodsGuidance from within you. Discover the profound wisdom that resides at the core of your being, guiding you unerringly. Do you seek to know the truth? Join my #BibleStudy. Let's explore the sacred texts together, unraveling the timeless truths that shape our existence. Only #PrayerfulLife can attain the absolute best life of peace & joy. Through prayer, we can unlock a life of serenity and boundless joy, finding solace in each moment. My #FaithWalk is like no other. My way is easy. My burden is light. Together, we can navigate life's journey with grace, finding strength in our faith. #GodsPlan is that you know HIM and #JesusChrist, whom he sent. Embrace the divine plan that unfolds as we connect with the Creator and the Savior. Seek and find this #DivinePresence I speak from, of, as, united as one. Let's tap into the divine energy that flows through us, uniting us with the universe. Abandon your identity as a #ReligiousSeeker and become a #SEER. Transition from seeking to seeing, and unveil the profound truths that lie beyond appearances. #iAM #GodsWord embodied. Come. Join me. Become holy as I do. Together, let's embody the sacred teachings and inspire others with our actions. #SpiritualEnlightenment begins with a single step. Trust me. Embark on the journey of enlightenment, knowing that every step brings you closer to the light. You are #SeekingTruth. And I am Truth embodied. Come. Follow Christ. Follow the path of truth and embrace the wisdom that flows through divine guidance. Let no one distract or deceive you from the #SpiritualPath that I AM. Stay steadfast on your journey, guided by the inner compass of your spirit. As the Father has shown Me, so I impart to you #DivineUnderstanding. Let's share in the profound understanding that transcends the limitations of our human experience. Let these affirmations be a source of inspiration and empowerment on your spiritual quest, igniting a fire within you to seek, learn, and grow on your path toward divine knowledge. 🌟🙏 Learn how at !



In the Diagnosis channel's vibrant light, Wisdom's beacon shines so bright. Preaching truths with sage advice, Guiding souls to a virtuous rise. Here, wisdom's garden, lush and fair, Sprouts the seeds of heartfelt care. With words that rhyme and gently speak, Lessons taught, humble and meek. From timeless tales to modern guide, Our mission's clear, to be your side. In every verse, wisdom's found, Nurturing hearts, with love profound. So tune in, seekers, come and see, The Diagnosis channel, where minds roam free. With preaching, wisdom, and counsel fine, A haven for hearts, an enriching shrine.



Step into the realm of First Order Gnosis, where enlightenment eagerly awaits. Our sacred purpose transcends the ordinary, inviting you to unlock the corridors of truth through our captivating videos. Prepare for an unparalleled intellectual journey as our educational content sparks the flames of curiosity within you. Every frame is thoughtfully designed to expand your mind and nourish your perspective beyond conventional wisdom. Embrace the winds of change that sweep through our digital domain, as we stand as catalysts of evolution. Together, we shall reshape the very fabric of existence, propelling humanity toward a future ablaze with innovation and enlightenment. Join us as an agent of change, forging a path where the convergence of innovation and enlightenment paves the way. We express our deepest gratitude for your valuable time and trust, as we embark on an incredible journey to unravel the profound mysteries within, united in our march towards a world adorned with knowledge.