Myths,Legends and other strange tales from the British Isles, and sometimes further afield.


Britain's rich and varied folklore, legends and beliefs provide a unique insight into the island's turbulent history. Every invader, refugee or settler has helped contribute some new element or twist to the complex pattern of our national heritage, and new myths are still in the making. With this channel I hope to titillate and intrigue you with these tales and pique your interest enough to keep you coming back for more mysterious stories from the British Isles. If you feel I'm leaving somewhere out, let me know and I will look into it..... If you'd like to show support, click on the link below! It's much appreciated :)

InVitaReali - Retro and modern video game streams. Mostly gameplay, sometimes random tech or bike live streams.


Videos of classic video game playthroughs many of which are first time or visits of never finished. Looking at a variety of systems mostly of ones that can be played on low powered or portable hardware. Might be a spattering of 3d printings using a stock budget 3d printer here and there as well. Occasionally some live bike riding action. For my technology and streaming resources videos check out ProculNotitia:

Transat Bakerly Boat Race Plymouth to New York 2016 LOVE SummerTime TV Magazine Worldwide


The Transat Bakerly Boat Race is a prestigious solo sailing race that spans the vast expanse of the North Atlantic Ocean. It charts a course from Plymouth, located on the south coast of Devon, England, to the bustling metropolis of New York City. This grueling 3,050-nautical mile journey tests the mettle of the world’s finest single-handed sailors, pushing them to their limits1. In 2016, after an eight-year hiatus, the Transat Bakerly race returned, attracting a fleet of 30 boats across four different classes. The skippers embarked on this epic voyage, braving unpredictable weather conditions and navigating the open ocean. The fastest boats were expected to reach New York in just eight days2. The race commenced with great fanfare in Plymouth, where spectators gathered to witness the departure of the intrepid sailors. The fleet set sail on May 2nd, embarking on one of the most challenging solo sailing races in the world. The journey would take them across the vastness of the Atlantic, with the iconic skyline of New York City as their ultimate destination3. As the boats sliced through the waves, the solo sailors battled solitude, fatigue, and the elements. Their determination and skill were put to the test as they navigated the open sea, relying solely on their own expertise and resilience. The Transat Bakerly Boat Race is a true testament to human endurance and the indomitable spirit of adventure on the high seas1. For those who followed the race, it was a thrilling spectacle—a convergence of human ambition and the raw power of nature. As the boats approached the New York harbor, the anticipation grew. The finish line awaited them, marking the end of an arduous journey and the fulfillment of a dream. And so, against the backdrop of the city that never sleeps, the Transat Bakerly Boat Race reached its triumphant conclusion4. To learn more about this remarkable race and its history, you can explore the BBC’s coverage and delve into the colorful past of the BBC’s involvement in broadcasting this unique national sporting event56. LOVE SummerTime TV Magazine Worldwide YouTube Main race sponsors Bakery France

Overtime with TJ


Серијалот "Overtime with TJ" со Јовица Симоновски. Overtime е шоу каде што ќе ви ги дадеме сите информации за најважните натпревари во неделата. Шоу кое ќе ги забележи предностите и слабостите на секој тим и шоу кое ќе ви ги прикаже клучните играчи кои треба да се забележат. Што да се гледа? Што да очекуваме? Вести ... Трачеви ... И многу повеќе од тоа! Едноставно шоу, кое ве подготвува за натпреварите од најинтересните фудбалски лиги во Светот. _______________________________________ The series "Overtime with TJ" with Jovica Simonovski. Overtime is a show where we will give you all the information about the most important matches of the week. A show that will highlight each team's strengths and weaknesses and a show that will show you the key players to watch out for. What to watch? What should we expect? News ... Gossip ... And much more! A simple show that prepares you for the matches of the most interesting football leagues in the world.


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Space Time explores the outer reaches of space, the craziness of astrophysics, the possibilities of sci-fi, and anything else you can think of beyond Planet Earth with our astrophysicist host: Matthew O’Dowd. Check for New Episodes on Wednesday afternoons! Matt O'Dowd spends his time studying the universe, especially really far-away things like quasars, super-massive black holes, and evolving galaxies. He uses telescopes in space to do it. Matt completed his Ph.D. at NASA's Space Telescope Science Institute, followed by work at the University of Melbourne and Columbia University. He's now a professor at the City University of New York's Lehman College and an Associate at the American Museum of Natural History's Hayden Planetarium. Previous host Gabe Perez-Giz is an astrophysicist who studies black hole physics. He received his Ph.D. from Columbia University and also hosted PBS Infinite Series.