Angry Conservative


This channel is going to focus on history from around the world and how some things are happening in the United States today. It will teach some things that they ain't teaching in schools today. I am going to start the beginning of World War 2 and how a lot the things that happened then are happening the United States today. I will also give you some politics and press briefings. For clips from my daily show please follow my other channel here on Rumble: If you would like to join me for the daily show please email me at

The Angry Canuck


I do political commentary and cover the news. Occasionally, I also talk about grid down survival, prepping and SHTF. Including, on occasion, the psychology and sociology of the possible situation. Information in these videos are my opinions. You have the right to disagree, you'd be wrong, but you have the right. If you use any information on this channel in an illegal or immoral manner, you are solely responsible for your own actions. All videos are the sole propery of The Angry Canuck. Email: