Mini-Documentário que reúne diferentes testemunhos de pessoas que se sentem lesadas com as Inoculações Covid-19. Quem dá voz e representa as tantas pessoas que foram severamente prejudicadas e sofreram graves danos colaterais? Serão invisíveis? Cada vez há mais evidências da ligação entre mortalidade excessiva e as inoculações Covid. Infelizmente, estas injeções não eram seguras, tão pouco eficazes. Mas estas vidas também contam. Contam como todas as outras. Estas vidas valem. 🖤 “Porque não vês, não quer dizer que não existam.” Joana Amaral Dias

The Sedona Method


The Sedona Method is a simple, powerful, and easy-to-learn technique that shows you how to uncover your natural ability to let go of any painful or unwanted feeling in the moment. You will find that as you work with The Sedona Method, it will give you much more than you bargained for or even dreamed possible. What happens may surprise you Release even long-standing problems Become more aware and more successful As you continue to use The Sedona Method, you will become more adept at using it, and the results will greatly accelerate over time. You will quickly reach a point where releasing becomes completely second nature. As natural, in fact, as breathing is to you now. You will also discover a whole new way of being naturally happy and at peace.

Because Doctrine Matters


Many today feel that doctrine is unimportant or, at best, secondary. The Early Church didn't see matters that way and neither should we; so I examine certain false teachings that are current in the Church and try to point people to good doctrine that is soundly biblically based. Keep your comments short because I really won't waste my time reading anything longer than a few lines. If you want to disagree with me, that's fine, but don't be a lazy troll and spam the comments or leave a sermon or epistle down below. I don't conduct debates in the Comments section. Make your own material showing your in-context exegesis and reasoning from the Scriptures and put it up on your own channel. I'm happy to link to honest responses so people can compare them with my own arguments in the light of the Scriptures.