Omega Times Revmay


My name is Rev Randy May, I have been preaching for 47 years as a pastor and an evangelist. I have been an interim pastor at 3 churches and have pastored for 22 years. I have preached over 4,000 sermons at over 75 churches of many faiths. My father and mother were also pastors. I have been on three radio stations in the past, have recorded 3 records and played drums on 2 others. I have played in bands, churches, revivals, and tent meetings. I have been playing the drums and singing for 57 years. I feel in my spirit that I might be able to share Gods word with people who may be struggling in life and need a lift that can only come from God. I don't feel that I should let my talents go dormant but instead share them with others.

Seven Minute Seed


Moms are busy, but not too busy for 7 minutes of seed that will help bring LIFE to our families today! Love this? Subscribe here and at the Apple podcasts: To learn more about Katie or the Seven Minute Seed Podcast, go to #family #christianity #christian #parent #parenting #intentional #momma #mom #momlife #momlifebalance #firstthingsfirst #rebootyourlife #changeyourperspective #Christfollower #spiritualgrowth #christiancoaching #intentionalmommas