Doublereno Lichtenberg Wood Burning
208 FollowersI use High Voltage transformers to make what is called Lichtenberg burns or fractal burns. I ahve many videos of my art creations using this method and some over the equipment I use too.
I use High Voltage transformers to make what is called Lichtenberg burns or fractal burns. I ahve many videos of my art creations using this method and some over the equipment I use too.
News and Video clips as they happened on September 11, 2001
Dedicated to Documentaries and footage relating to the attacks on New York on September 11 2001
Finding the truth about 9-11
Dedicated to content documenting the terrorist attacks of 11th September 2001
all in one Century Sentence Series 2022 download from Dropbox all in one Century Sentence Series 2022 download from Mega
Hello everyone, My name is Michael and i am a Canadian living in Taiwan. My wife Polly and I create Lichtenberg wood art designs and fractals since 2017. We like to film and produce videos of our work for the world to see and share. Please sit back and enjoy our videos, feel free to leave a comment or message. We can also do custom orders and shipping. Please leave a Rumble and don't forget to subscribe if you like our channel. Please share if you know someone else who might enjoy one of a kind wood art. Thanks everyone.
A time of training and equipping of the One New Man
Saltash Cornwall Gay LGBTQIA+ Pride 2024 14th September Parade and Lady Mayers speech. Thanks to Mathiew Cornwall Pride org. Lady Mayor. You the people. And Brian, Jamie and Gemma for their support. It's about you, and being who you are. Not what others tell you to be ?
Torbay Torquay Gay LGBTQIA+Pride Pride 7th September 2024
نرى أن الكثير يعبرون عن فراق حبيبهم ببعض خواطر حزينة عن الحب، يعد الحب من أعظم الأشياء في الكون ومن أجمل الشعور الذي قد يحصل عليه الإنسان في الحياة فهو عطاء بلا حدود وأينما وجد فهو ينشر السعادة، ولكن لا يوجد حب بلا وجع وكم من حبيب لم يتذوق من آلام الحب والفراق ومن هنا يدفعنا أن نعبر عن مشاعرنا ببعض الخواطر لوصف بعض الأمور التي بداخلنا.
September 2023 Revival
Мемы про 3 сентября
Reflections on the September 11 attacks, on the role of the media, and also on the personal opinion of Swiss historian Daniele Ganser regarding these events.
Everything 9/11
One sentence can touch a heart. One sentence can inspire. One sentence can spark enlightenment.
Genom de förmågor, tallanger och önskningar vi bär med oss skapar vi en fantastisk kavalkad av skapande i alla dess kulturformer. VI bjuder upp till dans, Vi måler mitt i alltet, Vi lagar mat tillsammans, Vi spelar levande musik. Vi komponerar ny mystik, Vi lyser upp vår tillvaro med fantastiska ljuskreationer, Vi dukar borden fulla med picknickkorgar och framför allt PAR- (peace action research) studerar vi för en frid och fredfull upplevelse.
Sunday Elective Discussion of Gospel of Luke 2020
Discussion in the Sunday Elective on Jesus\\\' Hard sayings
In diesem Kanal geht es ausschließlich um Beiträge die mit den Ereignissen vom 11. September 2001 in Zusammenhang stehen. Da das Filmmaterial, Artikel mittlerweile so umfangreich ist und wurde dieser eigene Kanal kreiert.
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