Gaming In My 60's


What you see is actual gameplay of just how bad I am using an Xbox controller and a keyboard! As I sit here, controller in hand, I can't help but reflect on my gaming history. I've been playing video games for decades, ever since Pong hit shelves back in 1972. I was only 10 years old at the time, but I was immediately hooked. From there, I moved on to play on a variety of different platforms, Nintendo, Dreamcast, Playstation, Genesis, Xbox, and various handheld units. But, my true love has always been PC gaming. I started playing PC games in the mid-1990s and continued to do so until around 2013, that's when my PC died. Recently, my son upgraded to the Xbox Series S and gave me his Xbox One. But, as much as I enjoy playing on a console, I have to admit that I prefer the PC over a console any day. With a keyboard and mouse, I know that I will be able to dominate in the games I play. And now, with my new PC, I will be able to play both Xbox and PC games to my heart's content.

libera espressione


Scenario is a social network for sharing ideas, opinions, lifestyles and proposals. It was born on the initiative of a new community of people who want to keep on defending freedoms and rights and expressed the need for their own communication tool not subject to the algorithms of the big multinationals' sites. In long and passionate discussions, we realised the need for an environment - agora - open to any contribution, free, without censorship from above, rooted in our Greek-Roman democratic culture, to understand what happened and to unite us so that it does not happen again.