Nature by Terrablaze1


This @terrablaze1 account, which has two channels (Terrablaze1Nature and Terrablaze1Travel), aims to send out #positivevibes and #optimism through videos of #nature and anything #natural to achieve #enjoyment, #positivity, #fun, and #peace. The channels share #videos on nature and things natural, including the #weather, #animals, #wildlife, #plants, #placestovisit, #environment, and #more. Let’s travel, explore, experience, and feel. As a #producer and #contentcreator, @terrablaze1 strives to #create #content for your #entertainment & #enjoyment. Welcome to @terrablaze1. To thank #viewers and #subscribers, @terrablaze1 will do their best to post at least one video per day. Please leave a #comment, #like, #share and #subscribe. Thank you for your #support.

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*** Welcome to "Dipika's Cooking Hall". This channel is made with Bengali food recipes. I will regularly try to come to you with videos of new recipes. Hope friends like my recipes and support my channel. Subscribe to the channel to get regular updates and activate the bell icon. #Fish Recipe #Vegetable Recipe #Dal Recipe #Dessert Recipe #Cake Recipe #Shrimp Recipe #Chicken Recipe # Mutton Recipe #Crab Recipe #Pumpkin Recipe #Hilsa Fish Recipe #Mashed Recipe #Miscellaneous Recipes *** "দীপিকার কুকিং হলে" আপনাকে স্বাগতম। বাংলা খাবারের রেসিপি নিয়ে এই চ্যানেলটি তৈরি করা হয়েছে। আমি নিয়মিত নতুন নতুন রেসিপির ভিডিও নিয়ে আপনাদের কাছে আসার চেষ্টা করব। আশা করি বন্ধুরা আমার রেসিপি পছন্দ করবেন এবং আমার চ্যানেলটিকে সমর্থন করবেন। নিয়মিত আপডেট পেতে চ্যানেলটি সাবস্ক্রাইব করুন এবং বেল আইকন সক্রিয় করুন। #মাছ রেসিপি # সবজি রেসিপি #ডাল রেসিপি #ডেজার্ট রেসিপি #কেক রেসিপি #চিংড়ি রেসিপি #চিকেন রেসিপি # মাটন রেসিপি #কাঁকড়ার রেসিপি #কুমড়ার রেসিপি #ইলিশ মাছের রেসিপি # ম্যাশড রেসিপি #বিবিধ রেসিপি

Travel by Terrablaze1


This @terrablaze1 account, which has two channels (Terrablaze1Nature and Terrablaze1Travel), aims to send out #positivevibes and #optimism through videos of #nature and anything #natural to achieve #enjoyment, #positivity, #fun, and #peace. The channels share #videos on nature and things natural, including the #weather, #animals, #wildlife, #plants, #placestovisit, #environment, and #more. Let’s travel, explore, experience, and feel. As a #producer and #contentcreator, @terrablaze1 strives to #create #content for your #entertainment & #enjoyment. Welcome to @terrablaze1. To thank #viewers and #subscribers, @terrablaze1 will do their best to post at least one video per day. Please leave a #comment, #like, #share and #subscribe. Thank you for your #support.

Sala de Cinema


Você é fã de filmes clássicos? Então você não pode perder o canal Clássicos do Cinema, o melhor lugar para assistir aos grandes sucessos do passado. Aqui você encontra filmes de todos os gêneros, épocas e países, desde os primórdios do cinema mudo até as obras-primas da década de 70. Você vai se emocionar, se divertir e se surpreender com as histórias, os personagens e as performances que marcaram a história da sétima arte. Assine já o canal Clássicos do Cinema no Rumble e viaje no tempo com os filmes que você ama. Are you a fan of classic movies? Then you can’t miss the channel Classics of Cinema, the best place to watch the great hits of the past. Here you find movies of all genres, times and countries, from the beginnings of silent cinema to the masterpieces of the 70s. You will be moved, entertained and amazed by the stories, the characters and the performances that marked the history of the seventh art. Subscribe now to the channel Classics of Cinema on Rumble and travel back in time with the movies you love. Bem-vindo(a) e bom filme 🇧🇷 Apoie doando, qualquer valor será bem-vindo 🇧🇷 PIX -

Shadow's tears Metablade (The Movie)


Inspired by divine sacred geometry and the wisdom of ancient Egypt, many have delved deep into the realm of the unknown, seeking enlightenment and understanding Ancient practices and modern science converge, reminding us that within each of us lies the potential to unlock secrets. By embracing ancient wisdom, harnessing scientific knowledge, and nurturing our spiritual connection, we open the way to personal growth and understanding Remember, my friends, it is only through unity and understanding that we can transcend the darkness that lies within us all. Join us for the next chapter of Our Lone Warrior's quest for redemption as he faces new challenges and guides lost souls to enlightenment.