Weekly Webinars with Anna von Reitz
462 FollowersA weekly webinar with Anna Von Reitz covering many topics related to being an American and the Fraud perpetrated on us by the current Federal Government Corporations running our country.
216 FollowersSovereign Peoples Assembly of Western Australia Common Law
198 Followersclawsassembly
76 FollowersDanielSasse
37 FollowersSasseasheila
12 FollowersTheTexasAssembly
10 FollowersThe Union States Assembly Mission is to Shine Light on the Shadows of Darkness to expose the Truth
9 Followerswww.unionstatesassembly.org
6 Followerslarryatyahsassembly
5 Followerscsasser54
5 FollowersNorthwoods Assembly
5 FollowersAn amazing little church in the Eagle River Wisconsin. Our mission is to equip and empower people with the Joy of the Lord through sound Biblical Teaching, Love, Fellowship, and Laughter.
4 FollowersSasser
4 FollowersSassenach77
3 FollowersDJSASSER
3 FollowersNorthwoodsAssembly
2 Followersjonsasse
2 FollowersTheAmwricanStatesAssembliesPodcast
2 Followerssanthonysasse
2 FollowersJohnny5disassemble
2 Followerssassee1
2 Followerssasseygirl
1 Followersasseyldy
1 Followerlearnersassembly
1 FollowerAmericasAssemblyPodcast
1 FollowerAelsasser1
1 FollowerRLSasse
1 FollowerSassenack
1 FollowerAlvinKleinsasser
1 FollowerAsasser
1 FollowerBluEyed_Sassenach
1 FollowerEAsasser1776
1 FollowerBlah something else and blah, watch these videos, have a laugh.
1 FollowerPark Hills Assembly Sermons
1 FollowerView our sermons online. www.parkhillsassembly.com