Sanctuary LIVE!


Sanctuary LIVE is the weekly live video podcast of Sanctuary International (aka The Rock-N-Roll Refuge) hosted by Sanctuary founder Pastor Bob Beeman.. Every Wednesday morning, Pastor Bob hosts bands and guests from all over the world with discussion with bands (both national and independent artists), as well as guests discussing social, cultural, and faith based topics relevant to the believer and particularly fans in the Christian metal community. For more information on Sanctuary LIVE, or if you would like to be considered a guest on Sanctuary LIVE, please email Sanctuary Media Coordinator John Cassandro at

Santiago Gamer


Fala galera, SanTiago Gamer com vocês! Fiz esse Canal voltado para gameplays, notícias, informação, reviews de series e filmes de nosso universo gamer, e dicas de jogos mobile e PC! SanTiago Gamer: Amante de jogos, mangás, quadrinhos, animes, filmes, series, tokusatsu, noventista declarado, um véio nerd geek kkk Então já se inscreve ai pra não perder nenhum vídeo ;). Discord: E-MAIL PROFISSIONAL- INSTAGRAM- #hhrXxi5i #sanntiagogamer #santiago gamer #sanntiago gamer #SanTiagoGamer SanTiago Gamer SanTiago Gamer: Criador de conteúdo de jogos mobile e pc (computador). @PrimeGaming ​​ @Epic Games @Indie Gala