Flat Earth Videos shared by Crystal Skull Explorers


Co-founder Joshua Shapiro of the Crystal Skull Explorers, has been writing various free e-books over the years and especially due to the challenges of the current times. For his sixth free e-book it will be discussing the idea that our world is a Flat circular round disc which is non-rotating or stationary and is covered over by an impregnable dome. To support this free e-book, he is going to have links to a number of videos that he will be recommending people watch which deal with the various sections of the e-book. Some of these videos will be interviews done for the e-book and others produced by a number of various sources. To contact Joshua how to get your copy of this e-book (Book 1 of 2, hope to be ready by early December of 2021), send to him an email at: crystalskullexplorers@gmail.com, subject: Interested in free-ebook on Flat Earth via rumble. - thank you - Joshua :-)

Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings


Hi my name is Pam, I am a Psychic Medium and have been doing psychic readings professionally since 2001. I hope you find these readings interesting, informative, fun and helpful. I have been posting “general Readings” for the public online since June 2014. Please check out my Psychic Tarot and Crystal Readings for each sign of the zodiac here on Rumble. Thanks for watching and subscribing! You can follow my work also on website: www.theluckymermaid.com, on Facebook: The Lucky Mermaid LLC and also be sure to check out my twitter: @theluckymermaid, Instagram: theluckymermaid_pamgeorgel, and on Facebook: The Lucky Mermaid LLC.

Cléo Ribeiro Rossafa


A Visão do Ministério Mudança de Vida é a de perseguir o exemplo do nosso Mestre maior, Jesus Cristo. É buscar de modo intenso nos tornarmos semelhantes a Ele através da fé viva, atitudes práticas, renúncia diária e amor através de atitudes, pois Cristo é puro amor e como sabemos, amor não é um sentimento, amor é expresso em atitudes. Cada cristão precisa perseguir a mudança. Assim como Cristo mudou a história da humanidade em apenas três anos, o Ministério Mudança de Vida quer levar a mudança através do Único caminho verdadeiro, a Palavra de Deus. E essa mudança de vida começa dentro de cada um de nós. Começa na mente, por meio de escolhas que tomamos. Junte-se a nós como um discípulo de Cristo na propagação do evangelho e como lemos em 2 Timóteo 4:2: “Pregue a Palavra em tempo e fora de tempo” e, se necessário, use as palavras. Ou seja, viva a palavra através de sua vida, sua conduta, sua mentalidade bíblica, tendo como modelo nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo.



THIS Channel Is Platform To Share The SAVING Knowledge Of Jesus Christ (Through The Gospel Of Jesus Christ) With EVERYONE Willing To Listen To THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH (The ENTIRE Holy Bible, And Specifically, The Gospel Of Jesus Christ; Including, Holy Bible Prophecy) And Our Biblical WorldView – Through SOUND HOLY BIBLE BIBLICAL DOCTRINE; Our Goal Is To Encourage Others To Acknowledge GOD Almighty’s Amazing SAVING Grace AND To Accept GOD Almighty’s FREE GIFT OF SALVATION (Which COMES ONLY – THROUGH Jesus Christ); Thereby, Joining Us (The Body Of Christ, The Bride Of Christ, ALL Truly “Born Again” Fellow Believers – Children Of GOD Almighty), And Receiving Unto Themselves THE HOPE OF EVERLASTING LIFE; BEFORE, IT’S TOO LATE FOR THEM; And To Be An Encouragement For Those, Who Are Already Part Of The Body Of Christ, As We Endure The Last Days, The End Times, THE LAST HOUR, BEFORE Jesus Christ COMES – FOR HIS BRIDE (That’s Us), AT The PRE-Tribulation Being CAUGHT UP Together Of The Church!