News For Reasonable People Verified


Are you scavenging the internet for those stories the mainstream media just won’t touch? The very news that affects us most each day, from crime to social unrest. On News for Reasonable People, host Sean Reynolds, a business owner and concerned citizen, reads the news every day, in a way that some might even call “reasonable.” Tune in for the most pressing news, and live coverage of the places you want to see but don’t want to be, and even documentary pieces and interviews the media doesn’t want to hear about. Make sure you subscribe and hit the notification bell to never miss an episode.

Raison d'etre: Citizen journalist, history anarchist and anarcho-syndicalist.


Fuck TV / corporate journalism - the machinery of fascism. "Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public Relations" - George Orwell. "If money comes into the world with a congenital blood-stain on one cheek, capital comes dripping from head to foot from every pore, with blood and dirt" - Karl Marx (Capital, Volume one, Chapter 31: Genesis of the Industrial Capitalist). 'True revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love'- 'Our every action is a battle cry against imperialism, and a battle hymn for the people’s unity against the great enemy of mankind: The US' - Ernesto Che Guevara. Satyagraha ( “holding onto truth”) concept introduced in early 20th century by Gandhi to designate a determined but nonviolent resistance to evil. ‘Poverty Is The Parent Of Revolution And Crime’ – Aristotle Banned by CIAtube - 'Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?', Latin phrase found in the work of the Roman poet Juvenal from his Satires. It is literally translated as "Who will guard the guards themselves?". 'On doit des egards aux vivants; on ne doit aux morts que la verite. We should be considerate to the living; to the dead we owe only the truth. Letter to M. de Grenonville (1719) - Voltaire. 'To ignore Evil is to become an accomplice to it' and 'It is simply my way of saying that I would rather be a man of conviction than a man of conformity. Occasionally in life one develops a conviction so precious and meaningful that he will stand on it till the end'- MLK Jr. Needs: Egalitarian, classless, stateless, humane society of sustainable and communal living for all. Zapatistas Everything for everyone and nothing for ourselves. The revolution will not be televised. Let love set you free, we are all one. Member. Until workers of world, unite - world-strike as one, together - solidarity of all race: Then all we are is slaves to fasci corporatism - the machine. #FreePalestine from #ApartheidIsrael #BDS #ClassWar #DirectDemocracy #NoOneIsIllegal #NoBorders #AllRefugeesWelcome #MoneyequalsDebt. #EndDebt #Anarchosyndicalism #AntiWar #BantheBomb #EndWars Peace and Love is the power.

Reason & Theology


Are you tired of all the confusion in the Catholic Church? So was I! For this reason, I decided to intensely study the Catholic Magisterium in order to discern between what people say about the Catholic Church vs. what it actually says and teaches. If you are a confused Catholic, or are discerning becoming a Catholic, Reason & Theology offers you an in-depth examination of the situation in the Catholic Church that will help make sense of the confusion. Also, be sure to check out for a free copy of my book Church Chaos - which explains the crisis in the Catholic Church and offers Biblical insights on how to properly respond to it!

Reasons for Hope


Reasons for Hope, Inc (rforh) is an apologetics ministry with a mission to equip believers to fulfill the command found in 1 Peter 3:15. "…sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear." * Reasons for Hope was founded in January 2011 by a board of four men— Randy Baker, Paul Gracey, Carl Kerby and Wade Wacker. * Reasons for Hope is a 501(c)(3) ministry of Christian apologetics. To promote our message and to fulfill our mission, Reasons for Hope offers a ministry team of speakers and writers, a website, store and social media with educational and motivational biblical resources in print, electronic and audio/video. For more information contact: reasonsforhope* 208 Sherman Street Jackson, MN 56143 800.552.HOPE (4673)

TVOR Verified


The voice of reason is the person who tries to get the group to adopt decisions using evidence and logic. What is said is in contrast to an emotional approach: Most often, there are two possibilities of response to a voice of reason: 1) The person's role is ignored by the emotional members of the group; 2) The person's role is cast out by the mob. Follow me into the trials & tribulations of coming from the politically correct the real world. Want to support the content? Support me on Ko-fi; Find me at; Rumble- Odysee- Twitter- @ManLogic4ya

Reasonable Pandemonium


LIVE on WEDNESDAYS and THURSDAYS at 11:00 AM CDT Welcome to Reasonable Pandemonium, home of The Pandemonium Cut! The pandemonium abounds, but we try to keep it reasonable. Watch us play through games. Then watch us make skits about the games. THEN watch us make whole mini-movies about the games. THEN WATCH US- wait no, actually that's all. Currently porting our content over here from: Please follow. :D