
1 Follower

Recovering the Kingdom's mission and community is to bring life, character, wisdom, and the power to do so back into world and our human institutions. We seek to achieve this by trusting in, growing our understanding in, and learning in applying the Scriptures and Jesus of Nazareth's teachings in it's ancient context in our modern world. Furthermore, we pursue excellence in our lives, especially in health and fitness. We are also believers and non-believers who have the conversation, share in this difficult ethic and pursuit with respect and mercy, celebrate each other's wins, and defend the right to have the conversation and speak our minds. About me: My name is Daniel Faust, and I am a self-taught theologian and scholar with a B.S. in Exercise at Georgia State University and weightlifting background. On here, I share my expertise and encouragement in both of my pursuits and have the conversation with my audience. I created my first book, and I am working on second. Ask and you shall receive link.

Medical Journey of Mrs. Nancy Paul Recovering From Brain Hemorrhage (Stroke)

1 Follower

It happened today (19/10/2021) at around 12:00 PM. Nancy, Nimbine and I were having our lunch in the kitchen. While eating, Nancy held her head and walked out of the kitchen leaving Nimbine and I in the kitchen without telling us what was going on with her. After a minute or two I heard a strange noise coming from the living room, while I was feeding Nimbine. I left at once to find out what was happening and shockingly I found Nancy vomiting allover herself lying on the sofa unconscious. I called Berea Bible Institute staff immediately for help and we hurriedly took Nancy to the nearby Hospital. At the emergency room nurses and doctors quickly checked and after thoroughly assessing her condition, Doctor reported that one side of her body is not working. She concluded that Nancy had a problem inside her brain. To find the problem, Doctor said that they need to scan her brain. Doctor then referred us to the big hospital (Nakornpim) in Chiang Mai city, where they have the the scanning facility. The emergency ambulance took Nancy and we followed. After the scan, Doctor reported that there is bleeding inside Nancy’s brain. Doctor then suggested that the only option for here survival is to operate her brain and clean the blood inside. I signed necessary papers for operation and it took 2 hours for the operation. After the operation, Doctor reported that he was able to clean the blood. He said that the bleeding was too much and so he will monitor her after every one hour at the ICU. Right now, Nancy cannot respond and move. Her heart is still beating but she does not have strength to breath by herself so she is on ventilator. The cause of the bleeding inside her head is not yet revealed by the doctor. It should relate to her High blood pressure and hypertension. Nancy has been a hypertension person at the time of giving birth to Nimbine. She has been on dieting and exercising, which helps her to keep up with her health. Nancy is now at the hospital (ICU) and her life is in the Hands of the Almighty God. As I am praying with tears and brokenness seeking the LORD to give my wife, Nancy a second chance to live so that we can continue to serve in His Mission, which we have committed our lives to. I also invite you to pray with me. Pray for Nancy’s life. Pray for Nimbine and me during this sad and unexpected time and situation. Thank you and God bless. Paul (Nancy’s husband)



Hello Loves! Hi, I am Michael's mom Jennifer. And we are both on a recovering autism naturally program journey together! We share our challenges and progresses. And we will be sharing recipes and gardening! As well as artwork that we create and craft projects that we will do. And we will sell those through my Etsy Shop. There is much more that we will do than this! We hope to give hope or awareness to other families that they to can recover or at least feel better and will be able to function more easily in day-to-day life. Through our journey with our videos, we hope this gives hope and the awareness of how they can also maybe achieve similar results. Here is Karen T Naturally Recovering Autism Program Information https://autismmomsmentor.com