Freedom River Church Verified


Freedom River Church is all about drawing attention to God and encouraging people toward a relationship with Him that's real, intimate, and every day. We share God's Word in a way that's down to earth and applicable, because we want people to experience the life-changing effect it can have in their lives. We want people to know God's purpose for their life and have a sense of value and direction. Bottom line, we want to make a difference, and we believe that difference will come only through Jesus Christ.

The afterChurch Verified


The "AfterChurch" is sort of like an adult Sunday School, but a little more expansive in scope. Sometimes material that enhances the Sunday sermon will be shared and we will dig deeper into the text. Sometimes another passage in Scripture will be studied. Sometimes events that affect our church and our lives will be discussed. Sometimes we will spend part of the time in prayer. Sometimes it will be a mixture of some or all of these! And always, regardless of what the subject is, there will be time for questions and discussion.