Receiving Wisdom


Your world is an expression of your thoughts and consciousness. Thoughts are things. Prayer and meditation work. This channel explores those topics through New Though authors who have sold millions of books and influenced even more on this planet. Use that knowledge to transform your life. Welcome to the new channel! For more on New Thought: My influences include Thomas Troward, Emmett Fox, Earnest Holmes, Thomson Jay Hudson, Norman Vincent Peale and Robert A Russell. "The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude". - William James, the father of American Psychology "Jesus, who was master of the science of the soul, drew the line, on strictly scientific principles... Faith, in the sense in which Jesus employed the term means much more than belief. Faith in the psychic sense, and that is the sense in which Jesus employed it, is conscious potentiality" - Thomson Jay Hudson

Freely Received Freely Given


Shortly after TRULY surrendering myself to Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit began to minister to me through many gifts in the form of, first, the "ICE-BREAKING" POEM; and afterwards, the songs which have guided me throughout my personal walk, while simultaneously healing my war-torn broken heart (soul). IT'S TIME FOR ME TO SHARE... IT'S TIME to kill the shame... Be sure to read the bio's behind each of the videos to better understand what I was going through at the time that each of them was given to me. It may be that you, or even someone you know, are going through a similar situation. It's taken a lifetime but: This is WHY I Am WHO I Am... My greatest desire is that these Holy Spirit inspired words will help to heal YOUR wounded soul as they have done for me many, many times throughout the years... Also, please share this with anyone you may know who has been, or may be going through, similar trials in their life. That's what this is for... This is why God gave these words to me... TO SHARE... Thank you.