Welcome to the official Channel of ONM-ABO! We are a dedicated non-profit organization that is passionate about providing the Oromo community with up-to-date and well-researched news, which has a profound impact on their political, social, and economic landscapes. At ONM-ABO, our primary objective is to offer the Oromo people reliable and accurate information that empowers them to make informed decisions and actively shape their future. We recognize the crucial role of timely news in driving meaningful change, and we are committed to delivering news stories that authentically capture the essence of the Oromo experience. Our team of passionate journalists and researchers works tirelessly to gather and analyze the latest developments, focusing on issues that directly impact the lives of the Oromo people. We are committed to presenting news in a fair and unbiased manner, ensuring that our viewers, listeners and readers have access to diverse perspectives and a comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand. Transparency and accountability are core principles at ONM-ABO. As a registered for a non-profit organization, we are committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards in our news reporting. We deeply value the trust placed in us by our viewers, listeners, readers, and the Oromo community as a whole. We uphold this trust by adhering to rigorous journalistic practices and delivering news that is reliable, truthful, and unbiased. Through our platform, we aim to foster a vibrant and well-informed Oromo society. We actively encourage dialogue, engagement, and the active participation of our viewers, listeners, and readers because we believe that their voices are vital in shaping a better future for the Oromo people. Furthermore, we collaborate with like-minded organizations and individuals to amplify the impact of our work and drive meaningful change in the community. Thank you for visiting ONM-ABO’s Channel. We invite you to explore our extensive collection of news articles, thought-provoking opinion pieces, and in-depth analyses. Join us on our mission to promote a well-informed and empowered Oromo community. Together, let us uncover the truth, inspire change, and build a brighter future for all.

I video di BastaBugie


Il servizio di informazione BastaBugie è nato dall'iniziativa di alcuni giovani, che si scambiavano delle e-mail con gli articoli più interessanti trovati in internet. Nel 2007 BastaBugie è stato pubblicato in un blog, ed ha preso la forma attuale, con nove articoli alla settimana. I lettori aumentavano di settimana in settimana e nel 2010 BastaBugie, ormai diventato un riferimento culturale irrinunciabile per migliaia di persone, si è trasformato nel sito internet attuale. BastaBugie è una selezione di articoli per difendersi dalle bugie della cultura dominante: televisioni, giornali, internet, scuola, ecc. Oltre duecentomila lettori mensili, decine di migliaia di iscritti alla newsletter, le mail di incoraggiamento, ci spingono ad andare avanti. Caro amico, non perdiamoci d'animo e facciamo di tutto per diffondere un po' di luce in questo mondo. Iscriviti ai nostri canali social e sarai sempre informato sulle ultime novità. Viva la libertà! Viva la verità! Basta bugie!

RAB Studios 1


Welcome to RAB Studios 1 Our GOAL is to share music to help you relax, study, party and sleep.... Includes the following: • Nature Sounds • Meditation Music • Trance Music • Jazz Music • RNB Music • Hip Hop Music • Deep Sleep Music • Relaxation Music • Studying Music • Reading Music • Deep Focus Music • Massage Music • Healing Music • Instrumental Music • Party Music Thank you, RAB Studios 1 Subscribe, Like, and Share videos For email and inquiries please do email us: rabstudios1@gmail.com