Where Truth Lies with Lisa Schermerhorn


Lisa is passionate about speaking your Truth. She has over 20 years of experience as a transformational leader, author of the bestselling book, “In Every Belief is a Lie" and expert in the fields of human behavior, leadership and personal development.  She is an award-winning speaker and has spoken at events at Harvard and Columbia University. Lisa is featured in Joe Vitale’s movie, “Zero Limits” coming out in the Fall of 2024. This channel, "Where Truth Lies", is for people who want to discover their truth. Lisa is also trained to release the Covid Vaccine and help people Return to Sovereignty, meaning returning to GOD/Creator/Source.

Wissen Ist Relevant


WIR versteht sich als ein Kanal, dem es darum geht neben der wissenschaftlichen Analyse, vor allem konkrete Lösungen zu den verschiedensten Themen aufzuzeigen. In simplen Worten, die jeder Mensch versteht und damit umsetzen kann. WIR glaubt an den Wandel, denn WIR denkt positiv und weiß, dass der Glaube Berge versetzen kann. Voraussetzung für die Wende in eine allumfassende Nachhaltigkeit, eine enkelfreundliche, aufrichtige Politik ist, dass jeder von uns beginnt zu handeln und sich als Teil eines globalen Teams versteht. Bildung ist der Schlüssel. Fangen WIR an.

The Dennis and Andy Show aka DNA


The Dennis and Andy show is a podcast hosted by Dennis Turner and Andy Smith. Dennis is a lifelong comic book collector and a comic book appraiser. He is also a lifelong Star Trek fan and has one hell of a movie collection. Andy Smith is a 30 year veteran artist of the comic book industry having worked for all the major publishers. These two team up for a weekly chat about comic books, movies, tv shows and everything pop culture as well as covering the NFL. One of them likes the Packers and the other the Cowboys!

Lisa Rowberry


Hi Everyone!! Welcome to my Channel!! My name is Lisa Rowberry and I am an Independent Scentsy Star Director! I am in love with home fragrance and the products that Scentsy has to offer so why not share it with you?!? On my channel I will be sharing what Scentsy has to offer and what/how I use it in my day to day life! Scentsy is so much more than just wax and warmers anymore and I am excited to share it with you! On the weekends, my husband Shawn and I love to share our daily life with you through weekend vlogs which include our dogs, cooking and so much more! Look for new videos every week! Thank you so much for watching! Connect with me: https://linktr.ee/lmrowberry