The Economic Ninja


I\\\\\\\'ve been an entrepreneur since I started selling candy in the 6th grade. I thrive on challenges, economics and business. I "flipped" quite a few homes in the early 2000s and have owned multiple rental properties, so I have a lot of personal experience with real estate transactions, loans, remodeling homes. I have "a super human thirst for economic knowledge." I spend many hours every day listening to and reading articles on market trends, interest rate cycles, and all aspects of economics and the world of finance. Then I found #Bitcoin, #Theta, #XRP and I was forever changed. I dove into crypto currencies back in \\\\\\\'16. Finance is changing faster than you know. You can change with it or get steamrolled by it. My energy, knowledge and experience is what will make this YouTube channel a wild success. I will strive to be honest and real with my followers with one goal in mind, to help transform others into what they have always wanted to be and to make this life their best life possible.

Tales From A Consumer Verified


Tales From A Consumer," the groundbreaking reality TV podcast hosted by Ya Girl Renae. Join us as guests take the mic to spill the beans on their triumphs and tribulations with products, brands, businesses, organizations, and even people! From the highs of satisfaction to the lows of disappointment, every story is fair game. Tune in for a raw and riveting exploration of the consumer experience like never before. Disclaimer: "All statements made by guests and the host are based on personal opinions and should not be considered as factual information. Everything mentioned is speculative and should be treated as alleged or hearsay."

Guns, Gear, and Second Amendment News (Uncensored) Verified


Advocating for the Second Amendment freedoms of Americans is our number one thing. - Interviews with firearms rights advocates. - Updates on the fight to safeguard the Second Amendment. - Gun and gear reviews About comments: Comments are welcome. That said, I believe in being respectful of others, so "trolling" comments; comments that contain profanity, sexually explicit material or personal attacks; and off-topic comments that have nothing to do with firearms or firearms related subjects will be deleted. Visit my blog for articles on guns and gun related stuff at All content on this channel is under Copyright © 2024 by KBTN Inc. All rights reserved #904301

Al Descubierto con Elina Villafañe


Te presentamos las principales noticias, informes profundos y veraces del mundo. En el programa Al Descubierto con Elina Villafañe, y el equipo de reporteros investigan temas que otros medios de comunicación pasan por alto o evitan. Nos dedicamos a buscar la verdad, basando todo lo que decimos en hechos para evitar que el público esté mal informado y sea engañado. Una sociedad bien informada es la piedra angular de una democracia floreciente. En nuestra sala de redacción y en nuestros reportajes, nos comprometemos a ser honestos, respetuosos y compasivos. The Epoch Times es un retorno al periodismo auténtico y tradicional.

Tate Confidential Matrix


Join Andrew Tate and Tate Confidential on their path to stardom. We think that everyone has the ability to realize their biggest aspirations and desires. Our mission is to empower people all over the world by providing insightful advice, valuable resources, and engaging content tailored specifically for those looking to improve various aspects of their lives such as personal finance, mental health, relationship building, career advancement, spiritual awakening, fitness and nutrition, as well as self reflection and personal growth. Andrew and colleagues hope to make a good influence on society as a whole through our approachable yet instructive approach, cutting-edge production quality, and fascinating narrative telling approaches. Join us as we traverse the ups and downs, challenges, and triumphs.

Liberty Forum Of Silicon Valley Verified


We are the largest, most successful grass-roots liberty-minded group in California. As such, we are the place for liberty-loving patriots from Silicon Valley and beyond to gather, share ideas, and become empowered. ​ We promote the principles of American liberty through education. We provide a forum with prominent speakers every month and other opportunities throughout the year for people to join together in the cause of liberty and freedom, contributing our efforts to activities that preserve America as the highest beacon of freedom, individual rights, and responsible free market entrepreneurship.