Assalam o Aliakum friends! I am here For you with all of my passion . You can see in my videos all activities fun and that will be love to Mach. I hope we will be like a family and a consider you as my partner this is just a start I want you guys to get engaged with our family and share my channel to make it visit. This will give me more energy to work hard to give my best as it should be. so a request for all of you to subscribe my channel to share with all friends and family❤️🥰 that’s it! Have a nice day☺️.

Warhammer Online: Return of Reckoning PvP


This is player versus player game play from the Return of Reckoning server. This is not a private server; it is open to EVERYONE. This server is maintained by many of the former Warhammer Online developers, and they are constantly working on new content for the game. The server is legit and faces no risk of being shut down, those who own the rights have been aware of the server for years at this point in time. As long as there is no profit from the game by the developers, those who hold the rights will not step in. You can down load and play the game for free at Join the waaagh!