A collection of paranormal videos about our poltergeist/demon/ghost/spirit infested house.


**If you want to use any of our content in one of your own videos then please contact us first, and we'll sort it for you.** 😊 For 25+ years, we have lived in this supernatural-ridden house and experienced all manner of paranormal activity. Disclaimer: The paranormal videos presented on this channel are uploaded here for your entertainment purposes only. While we strive to capture captivating and immersive content, the nature of paranormal phenomena is subjective and open to interpretation. We encourage you to enjoy these videos as a form of entertainment and make your own conclusions. Remember, the line between reality and the ethereal can often blur in the realm of the paranormal. Thank you for joining us on our paranormal journey. 😊

The Rebellious Meat Puppet


The Components of the Trivium Grammar (Knowledge) In esoteric traditions Knowledge (Grammar) Answers Who? What? When? & Where?): In the Trivium, knowledge corresponds to the stage of grammar, where one collects raw information and learns the basic rules and structures of a discipline or field of study. Knowledge in this context refers to the gathering and taking in of information, foundational principles, and basic understanding of concepts, from multiple sources, without prejudging it based on pre-existing beliefs or bias. It involves gathering data, learning facts, and grasping the fundamental building blocks of a subject. This is seen as the first step towards understanding deeper truths. It provides the necessary groundwork upon which further understanding and wisdom can be built. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Logic (Understanding) Logic, or dialectic, is the second phase of the Trivium, which involves the process of reasoning. This component is critical for developing the ability to think analytically, assess arguments, and solve problems. Through the study of logic, students learn to draw conclusions based on sound reasoning and evidence. The Concepts of Logic: Deductive Reasoning - moves from general principles to specific conclusions with certainty Inductive Reasoning - moves from specific observations to general principles with probability Abductive Reasoning - moves from observations to best explanation without strict certainty or probability. Fallacies - Common errors in reasoning that undermine the logic of an argument. In esoteric traditions Understanding (Logic) Answers Why? Reason, meaning or purpose. Understanding corresponds to the stage of logic, where one learns to analyze, reason, and draw conclusions based on the knowledge acquired. This involves the ability to critically evaluate information and derive meaning from it. Understanding goes beyond mere knowledge. It involves comprehending the relationships between different pieces of information, discerning patterns, and grasping the implications of facts and principles. It represents a deeper level of insight and clarity. It involves making connections between various pieces of knowledge and seeing the underlying principles that govern them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rhetoric (Wisdom) Rhetoric is the art of effective or persuasive speaking and writing. As the third and final component of the Trivium, rhetoric builds upon the skills developed in grammar and logic. It focuses on the use of language to inform, persuade, or motivate audiences. Rhetoric is not only about arguing effectively but also about understanding and appealing to the emotions and beliefs of the audience. The elements of Rhetoric: Ethos - Appeals to credibility or ethical appeal which involves persuasion by the character of the author. Pathos - Emotional appeal, means to persuade an audience by appealing to their emotions. Logos - Logical appeal, which involves persuasion by the use of reasoning. In esoteric traditions Wisdom (Rhetoric) answers How? Wisdom corresponds to the stage of rhetoric, where one learns to effectively communicate and apply their knowledge and understanding. It involves the ability to express ideas persuasively and constructively. Wisdom is the highest level of intellectual and spiritual attainment. It goes beyond understanding and involves the application of knowledge and understanding in a way that’s beneficial and insightful. It’s not only about knowledge and understanding but also about practical application and integration of spiritual truths. - This is a ton of Trivium materials. If you've never been exposed to or taught Trivium, you should probably go through this stuff. DOWNLOAD ALL OF IT so you have your own copies and feed that mind of yours info that the jews had removed from general education over 100 yrs ago. Principles of Grammar https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-XIK1T_qH-yro5Lbit5tMroMIdjM0P2A Principles of Logic https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10UiZf9FqfvN1XNSIigAeHE01XN03_4dJ Principles of Rhetoric https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1d1d6JfGhsuDsMsQgSLLuBti1M2UDYJ3Y The Art of Thinking https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jVZk3Pkoo2swZpBzMTCr2rPrLrO5NAOF Foundations of Knowledge https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VtsoVi83GJ-36_bnmfKPu1KCMGspSfZR Trivium Books and Lectures https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JMNH3nQq-siyHu3VWNgwynZms8ez9IX- -- sonofcreation@protonmail.ch CHECK MY YouTube PLAYLISTS!!. Odysee, Youtube and Bitchute are my backups: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/the-rebellious-meat-puppet/ https://www.odysee.com/@TheRebelliousMeatPuppet:f https://www.youtube.com/@TheRebelliousMeatPuppet

Gospel Music / Puppet Videos for kids


As a songwriter/singer, my most popular song is \'I Want Us To Be Together In Heaven\', which has been recorded my many groups in the U.S. and Canada. It has also been published in songbooks in the U.S., Canada, Haiti, and other countries. [Just email me for a free copy of the sheet music.] \'Carol Mc\'s Family Hour\' was my TV show, aired in the 1990\'s...the puppet videos are from that show. I have also written many books [most for children], which I will gladly email free copies to all who send an email request. God Bless! \'I Want Us To Be Together In Heaven\'!