PunkRock Parents React


The Low Budget Family Hour features a variety of the most excellent content on the lowest budget. For reviews of Music Videos, Books, Concerts, Places, and Events check out Geeking Things and PunkRock Parents React. We'll react to almost anything. What we find entertaining, we share with you.! Check out the Boring Cooking Show if you want to try an easy, cheap, and delicious recipe. No fluff, just food!!! There you can find tried and enjoyed recipes to feed a large or small horde! We've cut out the fluff and pomp by not making the show about the host but instead just bringing you good recipes our family has tried and loved. And we have some picky ones.


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American Punk Rock Band Founded September 2022, by Dave Basile & Chris Forester, backup vocals/lyricists Bradley Forester Joined Nov 22, then back up vocalist/lyricist Katherine Chess Joined in Feb 2023. H.F.A. released their Debut Album "Hopeful to Hopeless" on April 9, 2023. H.F.A. intends to release more music over the next few years. About Debut Album "Hopeful to Hopeless" -This album is about past relationships, bullying, standing up for yourself, dating, longing for a dear friend you haven't heard from in years, and so much more.