Prophetic Dreams and Visions from my lovely Jesus


This channel is dedicated to my lovely Jesus Christ and is meant to glorify Father God & Him, to share the gift of Salvation and sound His warnings through prophetic dreams, visions and words from my lovely Jesus Christ. This site, videos, and all such like pertaining directly or indirectly to the My Lovely Jesus Ministry and all information provided in this description box of information, links, and invitations are not open to, or available in all God's knowledge and existence to demons, fallen angels, and all the kingdom of darkness. All who have entered prior before this notice your invitation/s and access for all mentioned places, things, and such like contained here including all other of the My Lovely Jesus Ministry sites, texts and such like are permanently revoked with all privileges suspended in Jesus Christ's Name. This is your official notice you are hereby expelled in Jesus Christ's Name. This is non-negotiable, non-arguable, non-changeable, unable to be resisted, cannot be disobeyed, ignored, it's irrevocable (Job 22:28; Philippians 2:9-11; Ephesians 1:20-22) or any other such like that Father God has in His knowledge. By command and authority given to me by Jesus Christ (Luke 10:19; Matthew 18:18; James 4:7; Isaiah 54:17; 55:11) Comments will be deleted by trollers, those trying to cause confusion & strife, those who are disrespectful to all on this site, the use of vulgarity, and those who want to contend about the Holy Word of God. Stay under the Blood of Jesus Christ. God bless.

Prophetic Money


This channel has snippets of prophecies relating to crypto, stocks, and wealth/money in general. The Bible teaches that we should bring up few prophecies and carefully weight what is said to determine if the prophecy and prophets are true or false. We have to be careful as there are false prophets out there, who only pretend to be prophets of God, but themselves may have evil intentions. If a prophet speaks against what is written in the Bible, then most likely they are not the prophet of God. We also need to keep in mind that some prophecies take years and decades to come to fruition; before we try to cast stones. 1 Corinthians 14:29 Two or three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh carefully what is said. Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Galatians 1:8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!

Julie Green on Rumble | Ministries Prophetic Word for 2024


Julie Green, a prominent voice in prophetic ministry, shares her insights and divine revelations on Rumble through Julie Green Ministries. Her messages for 2024 are a beacon of hope and guidance for many, resonating with a global audience seeking spiritual clarity. On Rumble, Julie Green’s prophetic words are a source of inspiration and encouragement, as she delivers them with conviction and faith. Her channel, Julie Green Ministries on Rumble, is a hub for those eager to hear her latest prophecies and teachings. With a dedicated following, the Rumble Julie Green Ministries channel is a growing community where believers can find support and fellowship. Whether it’s a live stream or a recorded message, Julie Green on Rumble com provides a platform for her to share God’s word and her prophetic vision for the future. Her prophetic word Rumble sessions are particularly sought after, as Julie Green’s prophecy on Rumble often contains timely and urgent messages. The Julie Green Rumble com channel ensures that these words reach a wide audience, offering spiritual insights and prophetic declarations that resonate with the times. For those searching for Julie Green’s prophecy Rumble content, the jgminternational Rumble page is the go-to destination. Here, one can find a collection of her prophetic words, including the much-anticipated Julie Green Ministries prophetic word for 2024. The impact of her messages is felt across the Rumble community, as Julie Green’s prophetic word on Rumble sparks discussions and reflections among viewers. In summary, Julie Green on Rumble is a vital voice for many seeking prophetic guidance. Her ministry’s presence on Rumble—Julie Green Ministries Rumble—continues to uplift and empower individuals with her prophetic word for 2024 and beyond.

Profit From Prophets


Jesus Christ is soon returning to take His people to Heaven and destroy the wicked. Are you ready to meet Him in peace? This Channel is dedicated to presenting the 3 Angels Messages of Revelation 14. These messages contain the most solemn warnings ever given to mankind from God. If you want to know why the world is the way it is, who the major players are, what the final outcome will be, and what place YOU have in all of this, then you have come to the right place.

Prophetic News - Prophecy Update - Bible Teaching - Lion's Roar


A Watchman On the Wall - Christians Brace Yourself, Church Awake ! we have changed name from Warriors for Christ to Lion's Roar due to our YT being hacked A Timely Word for a Season: Prophecy, Prophecies, Prophetic, Dream, Dreams, Prophetic Dream, Vision, Visions, Prophetic Vision, Prophetic Visions, Prophetic Word, Prophetic Teaching, Prophetic Teachings, Prophecy in the news, prophetic news,



DIE LETZTE GROSSE OFFENBARUNG JESU CHRISTI EIN GEWALTIGES WERK für Suchende, Unwissende und Zweifler .... „Im Anfang war das Wort …. Ein Tedeum dem Schöpfer Himmels und der Erde…. Ihr Alle seid Seine Geschöpfe, die Ihm einst verloren gingen …. Und Er wird nicht ruhen, bis Er alle Schäflein zurückgewonnen hat ….“ Mit diesen Worten begannen die Offenbarungen Gottes an Bertha Dudde am 15. Juni 1937, die am 17. August 1965 mit der Kundgabe 9030 als Siegel den Abschluß fanden. Es ist ein gewaltiges Werk, das durch deine Mitarbeit zustande kommen soll, und es werden dereinst die seltsamsten Meinungen gebildet werden über den Ursprung des Werkes, und man wird vermuten, daß alle Schriften nur in der Weise entstehen konnten, daß durch eine Konzentration in ganz bestimmter Geistesrichtung sich die schriftstellerische Begabung ausbildete und alles Entstandene nun also gewissermaßen die Folge dieser gedanklichen Konzentration sei .... und ein Wirken übersinnlicher Kräfte nur krankhafte Einbildung des Schreibenden war. Nun bereitet jedoch der Herr etwas vor, das auch jenen Zweiflern zu denken geben wird. Er leget zahlenmäßig fest den Gesamtumfang des Werkes .... Es werden 9000 Kapitel erstmalig den Menschen geboten, die alles hinreichend erklären, was dem Menschen nötig ist, um selbst wieder unterweisen zu können die Unwissenden. Als Jesus auf Erden wandelte, sprach Er vom Reiche Gottes, von einem Reich, das nicht von dieser Welt ist .... Er sprach nicht von weltlicher Macht, Er sprach auch nicht von einer kirchlichen Macht, von einer Organisation; Er sprach auch nicht von Männern, die an Gottes statt herrschen sollten über Seine Gemeinde; .... Er sprach nur zu Seinen Jüngern: "Gehet hin und lehret alle Völker ....“ Er gab ihnen den Auftrag, die Menschen zu unterweisen in Seiner Liebelehre, und Er versprach ihnen Seine Mitwirkung, so sie in Seinem Geist verblieben .... Denn sowie sie Liebe lehrten, mußten sie selbst in der Liebe leben, und also war der Herr Selbst mit ihnen, Der die Liebe ist. Wo aber die Liebe regieret, ist jede herrschende Gewalt unnötig .... wo die Liebe regieret, dort dienet einer dem anderen, und wo die Liebe regieret, dort sind Gebote unnötig, es sei denn, das Gebot der Liebe wird den Menschen gepredigt, das Gott Selbst gegeben hat. Das Gesamtwerk nebst Themenheften wird kostenfrei abgegeben, denn GOTTES WORT IST KEINE HANDELSWARE!!! "Umsonst habt Ihr es erhalten, umsonst gebt es weiter" FÜR DIE ZEITEN ohne STROM und INTERNET!! DER KLUGE MENSCH sorgt vor!!! DAS GESAMTWERK von BERTHA DUDDE in chronologischer Reihenfolge der OFFENBARUNGEN JESU in 81 Bänden gibt es bei: Hans-Willi Schmitz Bernardin Strasse 47 47680 GELDERN Tel: 02838 - 2948

Prophet News


Prophet.News is a news service reporting on prophetic words, visions, and conversations from prophetic voices around the world. “Indeed, the Sovereign LORD never does anything until he reveals his plans to his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7 DISCLAIMER: Prophet News does not endorse or give credibility to any prophetic word or vision from any prophetic ministry or person. We simply report what is being heard and said. Individuals should evaluate and determine for themselves the veracity and accuracy of such materials. Many interpretations are subjective and personal in nature, and as such, are each individual’s personal responsibility to prayerfully consider and evaluate. Any commentary given regarding any prophetic word, vision, etc. should be viewed solely as the personal opinion of the commentator and not as any legal, financial, or professional advice. We will report. You prayerfully decide.