Being healthy should be part of your overall lifestyle. Living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent chronic diseases and long-term illnesses. Feeling good about yourself and taking care of your health are important for your self-esteem and self-image.


The health care product is often loosely defined as a service. ... A bundle-of-elements concept is presented for the health care product. These conceptualizations help to address how health care providers can segment their market and position, promote, and price their products.

今天遇見你 In Your Presence Verified


人來人往,匆匆人生,你曾遇見誰? 長夜之後,總會遇見日出;暴雨之後,就會遇見彩虹。 你遇見我,不是偶然;每一次的相遇,都是美好。 在繁忙的生活中,你是否曾遇過失望、沮喪、悲傷、憤怒的時候?在排山倒海的壓力下,該如何排解、重新面對挑戰與困難?優視頻道新節目《今天遇見你》特別邀請前《真情部落格》主持人李晶玉,為觀眾訪問到曾經在人生道路上面臨各種不同阻礙的來賓,分享他們的故事。 期待,今天遇見你。 ------------------------------- 贊助優視請點擊: ------------------------------- 優視頻道 UChannelTV 以服務公共利益為宗旨,提供公眾優質的資訊為主要功能;服務不同語言與文化背景,傾聽不同族群的需求,不分大小、年齡老少,在這裡都可找到屬於自己的節目。增進生活品質,以優質內容進入家庭、走入生活,宣揚正面、積極、善良文化,改善家庭、親子、職場關係及人生價值觀。優視頻道也積極與全球華語媒體合作,借鑒先進經驗,敢於創新,不斷追求完善的品質與服務,讓優視頻道成為一個具有廣闊影響力的優質中文電視頻道。以優質節目,創造文化,影響世代。(網站:

From Breast Cancer Diagnosis Through Prevention


To say the first few months of a cancer diagnosis are overwhelming is an understatement. So much information. So many tests. So. Many. Appointments. So many questions. So much research (if you're like me). And then you have all the follow up appointments and phone calls in-between. ...oh, and then that little thing they call surgery. I've spent the past several months learning as much as possible about Invasive Lobular ER+, HER- breast cancer. In the process, I've gained an invaluable amount of knowledge that may benefit other women as they navigate their own journey. I'm new to vlogging, but I'm excited to share my journey with you. I hope my videos will serve as a roadmap to help you prepare for your appointments, manage your journey, and ask tough questions of your doctors. I also encourage you to seek second opinions and consult with naturopaths.

Nurturing Peace and Presence

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"Welcome to Mindful Moments Rumble, your sanctuary for tranquility and self-discovery. 🌿🧘‍♀️ In a fast-paced world, finding moments of serenity and self-awareness is essential. Our channel is dedicated to guiding you on a journey of mindfulness, where you can escape the chaos and embrace the present moment. Join us as we explore various practices, techniques, and philosophies that promote mental clarity, relaxation, and personal growth. Immerse yourself in soothing nature scenes, calming meditations, mindful breathing exercises, and insightful discussions on achieving balance in your life. Whether you're a seasoned mindfulness practitioner or just beginning your voyage into self-care, our content is designed to cater to all levels of experience. Subscribe to Mindful Moments Rumble and embark on a path of inner exploration. Together, we'll cultivate a sense of tranquility, foster gratitude, and uncover the beauty of living in the now. Let's create a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to nurturing their well-being and finding joy in every moment. Join us on this mindful journey – one moment at a time."