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Jeśli podoba Ci się to, co robimy i treści, jakie dla Ciebie publikujemy, wesprzyj nas. Twórcy kanału poświęcają temu projektowi większość swojego czasu, szukając wyjątkowych gości oraz materiałów. Bez Waszej pomocy po prostu przestaniemy istnieć. Dane do donacji tytułem DAROWIZNA: PayPal: Z Polski: Monika Tyszczak 82 1140 2004 0000 3902 6085 8218 Z zagranicy: Monika Tyszczak PL82 1140 2004 0000 3902 6085 8218 Numer BIC: BREXPLPWMBK

The Twist News featuring Erika Grey and Don Pravda


A News Talk Show Providing Bold Insightful Commentary on World Political Events with Erika Grey and Don Pravda. By educating the public from an international perspective and highlighting overlooked and undereported news, the Twist challenges the status quo enroute to a better world. Their broadcast provides a unique refreshing, innovative approach to the news arena. Erika Grey, an Evangelical Christian author who is an acclaimed international journalist and geopolitical analyst, has teamed up with Don Pravda, an influential Jewish leader and U.S. political insider, to provide honest commentary on unfolding items in the news. Provocative. Insightful. Relevant. Timely. Whether you are looking for a fresh perspective on the crisis in Ukraine or wondering how the EU just stepped up as a world power, Erika and Don bring unparalleled depth and breadth to an analysis that is uniquely aligned with both Christian and Jewish thought. #israel #news #evangelical #europe #jewish #breakingnews #politics