Pontus Rasmusson
Canal do Antropólogo João de Athayde Ligando os Pontos na geopolítica, história e cultura
A daily video where I pontificate on whatever topic suits me that day!
pontos fathom hobbies is a channel of boardgame, tabletop miniatures, and other hobbies. Checkout our boardgame reviews, gameplay video playlists and tabletop miniature painting videos.
Olá sou Junior Almeida do Canal Ponto de Ignição, O Canal Ponto de Ignição trás para você, noticias sobre politica, tudo sobre o senado brasileiro, tudo sobre o parlamento brasileiro, cpi, cpmi, tudo sobre o congresso, política ao vivo, curiosidades, entretenimento, noticias dos famosos, notícias do Brasil e do mundo a muito mais. CANAL PONTO DE IGNIÇÃO: https://www.youtube.com/c/canalpontodeignição TWITTER https://twitter.com/CIgnicao?s=09 EMAIL CANAL: canalpontodeignicao11@gmail.com
Hello, we are Hill and Ponton, a Veterans Disability and Social Security Disability law firm, and we are here to help you get the rightful VA benefits you deserve, understand your VA disability claims, and avoid costly errors in achieving a 100% disability rating from the VA! Our channel is all about teaching veterans about VA service-connected disability benefits for issues such as PTSD, Agent Orange, Depression, Anxiety, Toxic Exposure, Burn Pits, Gulf War Syndrome, and much much more! We talk about increasing your VA ratings and the extraordinary benefit known as VA Unemployability or TDIU. So if you're a disabled veteran struggling with the VA disability system, make sure to subscribe to our channel right now. We have over 30 years of experience and this channel is a way for us to share what we've learned since 1986 with you! We have worked on over 30,000 claims and have been able to recover over $300 million in benefits for our clients.
pontos fathom press - independent publisher of books and media. weekly podcast and videos on books, boardgames, gunpla, esoterica, occult, and all things weird
We bought a brand new Pontoon Boat! We would like to devote this channel to learning all there is about our pontoon boat, doing some upgrades and of coarse bring you along for some of our fishing adventures. You might say we are a suburban homestead with plans on purchasing more acreage and eventually move. Join us as we do various reviews, raise our chicken flock, and ducks as well as have fun along the way. We are a family that loves fishing, gardening and many other outdoor activities.
Conteúdos educativos de exatas.
The subject is complex, and different definitions exist, which generally include the rational, skeptical, unbiased analysis, or evaluation of factual evidence.
Getting A Grip On Things is a podcast with a common sense approach to reality. Stay for Unfiltered opinions and hilarious conversations. If you don't like it that's your problem
All things FireBird
Interviste sulla manipolazione
Monark Talks
pontos fathom press is an independent publisher of books and digital social media
Blog di Tatiana Santi, giornalista italo-russa. Uno spazio di dialogo per costruire insieme un ponte di 3 mila chilometri, abbattendo stereotipi e pregiudizi.
The official Rumble.com channel of the Freedom Party of Ontario
Travel vlogger
The Rumble channel for the Trigger Jedi
The Land of the Rotating Galaxy
Canal de notícias rápidas com viés libertário, bate papo, vlogs e outros assuntos ligados ao libertarianismo e anarcocapitalismo. Seja bem-vindo.
Olá pessoal!! Prazer meu nome é Patrick Shay, sou estudante e um apaixonado pela aviação. Eu criei o Ponte Aérea com o objetivo de mostrar e aproximar mais o mundo da aviação das pessoas que gostam e aquelas que se interessam pela área, seja profissionais da aviação, estudantes, instrutores, curiosos e entusiastas. Aqui no canal Ponte Aérea - Aviação 360 estaremos mostrando curiosidades, dicas, entrevistas e muito mais do universo aeronáutico. Sejam bem-vindos(as) a bordo do Canal Ponte Aérea - Aviação 360! Contato Comercial:ponteaerea360@gmail.com
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