Jazz Violin


🎻 Welcome to my channel! 🎶 I’m a violinist who loves to explore the endless world of music. From classical to contemporary, jazz to pop, and everything in between—if it’s music, I’m here to play it! 🌟 I specialize in improvisation, creating unique sounds and expressions that bring fresh energy to every performance. Whether I’m covering your favorite songs or crafting something completely new, I’m always ready to push the boundaries and have fun with the violin. Join me on this musical journey—let’s discover, create, and experience the magic of music together! 🎵✨



Fernando Vieira Filho50,8 mil inscritos Site do Fernando Descrição Este canal foi criado por Fernando Vieira Filho¹, para divulgar vídeos de conteúdo inspirador e transformacional. O canal é para fazer a diferença na vida das pessoas e ser divulgado pelos internautas, criando uma corrente do bem. ¹Fernando Vieira Filho - Psicoterapeuta/clínico, palestrante e escritor. Autor do livro CURE SUAS MÁGOAS E SEJA FELIZ! – 2ª Ed. - Barany Editora - 2012. E coautor do livro DIETA DOS SÍMBOLOS – 6ª Ed. - Melhoramentos - 2004. É autor dos E-Books: PSICOFÁRMACOS - Uso e aplicações de forma simples e eficaz. PSICOPATOLOGIA - Apresentada de forma simples e objetiva - Incluindo psicopatologias infantis. ¹Contato para consultas, palestras ou cursos: (34) 9 9972-4096 (WhatsApp)

Fábio Filho

1 Follower

História de vida, noticias sobre o mundo gospel e vídeos motivações / reflexões com Locutor Fábio Filho. - Nascido em São Paulo Fábio Filho é locutor com formação em Rádio e TV, atualmente cursa Bacharel em Publicidade e Propaganda. - Além disso, é o apresentador do programa Edificando Vidas e tem um canal no Youtube (Locutor Fábio Filho) com postagem de notícias, bate-papo com artistas gospel, cantores renomados e informações gerais sobre o mundo cristão

Sheikh ul Wazaif’s videos on authentic Islamic recitations (Wazaif), spiritual acts (A’maal), and tips authenticated by the Quran, Hadith, and the lives of our Pious Predecessors. Subscribe to see more Wazaif, tips, and spiritual acts on your feed!

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Ubqari institute is a world-renowned organization founded by the Islamic Spiritual Scholar Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mahmood Chughtai DB otherwise known as ‘Sheikh-ul-Wazaif’. Our Mission is to provide humanitarian and spiritual services worldwide,regardless of religion, creed, or nationality. About SheikhUlWazaif Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mahmood Chughtai is one of the most Influential Spiritual Leaders in the 21st Century, his weekly Spiritual lectures are listened to in over 200 countries worldwide and are followed by millions of people on various social media channels. In 1991, he was made the Spiritual Heir of the 5 chains of Tasawwuf including Qadri, Chisti, Suhrawardi, Naqshbandi and Shazli by the permissions of Saints



A moroccan passionate virtuoso violinist, composer and arranger who was born on July 07, 1982. MAHMOUD started playing the violin at the age of 15 and performed at events on yachts and at weddings. He spices up the nightlife at pubs and clubs along with different Djs creating a fusion between classical and modern music. He did hits and achieved millions of views on YouTube and was selected by Maestro Mohammed Bayloune to play with the Lebanese Oriental Orchestra in 2017. Andre composed and arranged 2 pieces for the orchestra by then. In 2018, he performed with the moroccan Orchestra at the Opera House in Rabat, the libanaise Orchestra in Marrakech, Tanger, and 7 consecutive live concerts in summer 2019. He also played with celebrities like Asmaa lmnawar, HAtim Ammor, Rajaa et Omar Belmir, Houda Saad… He toured Dubai, Doha, Florida, Montreal, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Jordan, Turkey, Canada... In 2020, MAHMOUD signed a 67 contract with wanassah events and signature Production to pursue a long term professional career.