Minister Jap Network

1,951 Followers and The Minister Jap Network are multimedia platforms that offer entertainment, motivation, advice, current events, & etc for the black community. The owner, creator, and personality “Minister Jap” designed this platform for brothers and sisters to freely discuss issues we face in the black community without being filtered or censored. Minister Jap has become an internet sensation with his harsh delivery and witty perspective of different topic dealing with black people. Raised on the south side of the Chicagoland area Jap learned a lot dealing with the streets, corporations, relationships and etc. Jap takes his personal experiences and assesses them and offers the masses game and knowledge so that they can make chess moves in life. Jap’s main focus is educating black women on the importance of marrying before they have children.

Albert Einstein was 100% wrong; The human mind does conceive the four dimensions.


In short, I believe I have built a model of Albert Einstein’s four dimensions and the math that goes with it. Please just watch this video: Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla four dimensions I have attached additional photos and links. If I am wrong, please say so. This are Freemason symbols. The six-pointed star (Jewish Star of David) is mathematically E = Mc² = 2πR = 2π/6; Dia. = 1, Cir. = 3 = π [Einstein\\\'s Law of General Relativity and 1st Dimension in Positive Infinity]. The 5-pointed star is 2π/5 (pentagram) or 2π/5 = 2π/6 = 2πR = E = Mc². The swastika is considered sacred in the native American’s Zia Pueblo, as it represents the father of their people. Almost all organized religions have the same sacred geometry/math. Caverna da Pedra Pintada (Painted Rock Cave (in Portuguese)), is an archaeological site in northern Brazil, with evidence of human presence dating ca. 11,200 years ago. On the wall of one cave there is a perfect 6-pointed star. Please prove my video is wrong.

Prime Minister of Canada


Justin Trudeau – Prime Minister of Canada @CanadianPM69.1K subscribers946 videos This is the official Yoideos made available through this YouTube profile are subject to a Canadian Crown Copyright with all rights reserved, unless otherwise specified, and can only be used in accordance with YouTube's Terms of Use and, where applicable, the terms set out in the specified Creative Commons Licence i.e. Attribution, Non Commercial, No Derivatives.uTube channel for Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada. The Prime Minister of Canada is also featured on: and 1 more link Subscribe Description This is the official YouTube channel for Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada. The Prime Minister of Canada is also featured on: