Rising Phoenix Aurora


Aurora is the Founder of A.U.R.A. Hypnosis Healing Technique & Rising Phoenix Mystery School | Galactic Historian | Author | Spiritual Revolutionist | Channel to RA | Akashic Reader There is nothing more beautiful than knowing that you are connected to the infinite wisdom within you and that you have always been. This is what I strive to do for others, to remind them of these gifts awaiting to be reawakened once more. We can receive as many readings or healings as we desire where someone else tells us who we are and whom we have been. It is not until we allow that inner voice that whispers within our hearts... For more information and to book a session: https://www.risingphoenixaurora.com/ To purchase Aurora's Book, "Galactic Soul History of The Universe" follow this link. Located outside of the United States, it is easiest to buy through your respective country's Amazon webpage: https://www.amazon.com/Galactic-History-Universe-Rising-Phoenix/dp/1735854204/ref=zg_bsnr_282880_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=4XADAAK4WVGCVT1YS3XV



This is a gaming channel containing racing games with some honkai impact or punishing gray raven, plus there may be other non racing games besides honkai and pgr. This is a journey you are witnessing. I want this channel to be an example of the fact that you can accomplish anything you want if you stay patient and consistent and get your mind right. This is a place where we can all come together and be people, simp for waifus, talk about life, etc My Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBYUU7famll-J-NKQc83pUg Upload Schedule Every Day: 2:30-3:00 PM EST: Honkai And/Or Punishing Gray Raven, could also be other non racing games 5:30-6:00 PM EST: Any Racing Game I Feel Like Playing, could Be any need for speed, gran turismo, ridge racer, burnout and others

WEGeniusMinds Productions


#WEGeniusMinds #EVOLUTIONTheGeniusEquation #documentary Founded by visionary Paulina Amador in 2016, WEGeniusMinds Productions is a multi-media production company committed to unfolding the genius within us all. Watch our ground-breaking documentary, EVOLUTION: The Genius Equation at www.WEGeniusMinds.com A visual masterpiece narrated by Linda Evans, this film creates a new paradigm for our understanding of GENIUS, inspiring us to think for ourselves and to explore our unlimited potential. One has to ask, does everyone have access to GENIUS? What is the Secret? EVOLUTION will leave you with questions you didn’t know you had. This visually compelling and evocative documentary explores the untapped resources of the mind, presenting brilliant experts in A.I., neurology, quantum physics, art and much more, reaching from archives of antiquity to the cutting edge science of our modern era. Subscribe to our NEWSLETTER at WEGeniusMinds.com JOIN the discussion on Telegram at t.me/WEGeniusMinds Check out our awesome STORE for some genius APPAREL at store.wegeniusminds.com/apparel/ Stay in touch with all things GENIUS!

Документални филми / Documentaries


Аз съм Ценка Стойчева и съм публицист, лектор, общественик, свръхсетивен диагностик и лечител, писател. Тук, на канала си, в поредица от кратки клипове ще представям различни аспекти на холистичния метод за диагностика и лечение, който разработих през изминалите 25 години, и който подробно описвам в книгите си "Новото лечителско изкуство" (2006) и "Мистичният феникс" (2021) ⭐️ "Новото лечителско изкуство" и Мистичният феникс" можете да си поръчате на следния имейл: tsenka.stoycheva@gmail.com ⭐️ Ако желаете, можете да ме подкрепите със скромна сума, като се абонирате за канала ми в Patreon https://www.patreon.com/user?u=67886997 ⭐️ Или чрез акаунта ми в PayPal tsenka.stoycheva@gmail.com ⭐️ Моята страница във Фейсбук https://www.facebook.com/stoycheva.ts... ❤️ Линк за безплатно сваляне в ел. вариант на първата ми книга - "Сребърната нишка": https://chitanka.info/text/43978-sreb...