Victor Davis Hanson Show
Sono un libero ricercatore e uno scrittore che si interessa di vari argomenti pertinenti l'ambiente, la storia vista da una chiave che non ci viene detta, l'ufologia e gli extraterrestri, l'essere umano dal punto di vista della conoscenza. Seguimi su Toutube: Seguimi su Twitter: Seguimi su Tik Tok: Contattami via mail:
Victor Davis Hanson (born September 5, 1953) is an American classicist, military historian, and conservative political commentator.
Programa de entrevistas apresentado pela atriz Antonia Fontenelle com convidados como políticos, celebridades, anônimos com histórias inusitadas e muito mais. O diferencial? Só assistindo pra saber. Email:
Jason Hanson is the publisher of Spy & Survival Briefing. Jason is a former CIA Officer and below is one of the awards he received while with the Agency. Jason is the New York Times bestselling author of Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life. He’s a frequent media guest and has appeared on The Today Show, Dateline, Rachael Ray, Fox & Friends, Shark Tank and more. His company trains celebrities, high-net worth individuals and everyday Americans in escape and evasion, hand to hand self-defense, evasive driving, firearms, home defense, and more. Jason is based in Cedar City, UT where he has his 320-acre Spy Ranch.
Fuckuemtary Video Section
Cooking with the King_of_Biltong
A Political Satire (Comedy) Animation Series by One Nation Party Australia.
Due scienziati riconosciuti in tutto il mondo con all\\\'attivo moltissime scoperte scientifiche inerenti l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'inquinamento da nanoparticelle. Stefano Montanari, bolognese di nascita (1949), modenese di adozione, laureato in Farmacia nel 1972 con una tesi in Microchimica, ha cominciato fin dai tempi dell’università ad occuparsi di ricerca applicata al campo della medicina. Autore di diversi brevetti nel campo della cardiochirurgia, della chirurgia vascolare, della pneumologia e progettista di sistemi ed apparecchiature per l’elettrofisiologia, ha eseguito consulenze scientifiche per varie aziende, dirigendo, tra l’altro, un progetto per la realizzazione di una valvola cardiaca biologica. Dal 1979 collabora con la moglie Antonietta Gatti in numerose ricerche sui biomateriali. Dal 2004 ha la direzione scientifica del laboratorio Nanodiagnostics di Modena in cui si svolgono ricerche e si offrono consulenze di altissimo livello sulle nanopatologie.
A Mirror for my old videos removed from YouTube.
With a soft and relaxing voice, I will guide you into a comfortable, relaxing hypnotic state, where you are open to receiving powerful change, healing, and strength... right where YOU need it most. and on YOUR time.
Come one, come all
Простыми словами о сложном: от физики до политики.
Ultimately, we are here for discovering and sharing alternative biblical based ideals on modern life, media, and politics. Be vigilant. The world is spiraling faster and faster down the toilet bowl. Right now, Christianity isn’t something that anyone wants to hear about or even be a part of. I’m speaking up. Christians are typically pacifists. That doesn’t mean we let everyone get away with this. I’m here to also empower you, as a Christian. You should be able to speak up with confidence in a large group and know that you are right, not just spiritually, but also scientifically. We are called to be in this world, not OF the world. That means we need to see what garbage is going on and not take part in said garbage. We can’t just stand back and watch the garbage pile up either. We NEED to do something. I am here to help you see how awful our society, media, and entertainment have become. Think of me as a journalistic pastor, of sorts. Let me show you how horrible the world truly is.
Live Stream Schedule: Sunday: Working With Audio and Video 5pm Central Daylight Time Monday: Storytelling 5pm Central Daylight Time Tuesday: Old Men Talking 5am Central Daylight Time Tuesday: History 5pm Central Daylight Time Wednesday: Strangeness 5pm Central Daylight Time Thursday: Roger's Realtime Talkshow Event 10am Central Daylight Time Thursday: Conspiracy 5pm Central Daylight Time Friday: Minds Round Table Weekend Event (On 12pm Central Daylight Time Saturday: Gaming 5pm Central Daylight Time CT = CDT (Central Daylight Time), UTC minus 5 hours. ET = EDT (Eastern Daylight Time), UTC minus 4 hours. BT = BST (British Summer Time), UTC plus 1 hour.
Living life God\\\'s Way-
We primarily focus on firearms, gun rights- particularly in the state of Iowa, and ballistic tests. Show your support for our channel by liking, commenting, subscribing, and/or sharing our videos.
Hello everyone, Seaba Phantom here! This Channel is about making people laugh, having fun, gaming, randomocities, and so much more. My Goal is to get people to laugh and enjoy life a little more watching my strange weird videos. I also have a Youtube channel so feel free to check it out.
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