Jim Peters At Night Verified


Popular podcaster JIM PETERS has moved to video: JIM PETERS AT NIGHT is broadcast LIVE Monday thru Thursday at 11 PM Eastern / 8 PM Pacific right here on Rumble and simultaneously on six other popular platforms. Jim is known for conservative news analysis and for his crackpot UFO theories - which all seem to be proving true, BTW - as well as for talking about whatever is on his mind, from life in Northeast Minneapolis to what Norah O'Donnell wore that night. He has on really interesting big-name guests and, in a talk show first, he takes VIDEO phone calls from you, the public. Go to https://jimatnight.com/ on how to call in and for more info.

Mark V Peterson Hunting Verified


Mark Peterson owns several exclusive outfitting areas across North America as well as the industry leading Worldwide Trophy Adventures (WTA) and TAGS service. WTA is a booking and consulting agency for hunters and fisherman in search of their own dream adventures. Over the past 10 years, Mark has explored and filmed adventures all over North America and most of the world showcasing how important hunting is as a part of conservation. All of Mark’s film productions are done at Rusted Rooster Media studio, which is based in Mark’s home state of Michigan. Mark is fortunate to have an understanding wife who allows his travel and three children who are just as active in the outdoors as he is.

Dr. Jordan B Peterson Show


Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is an author, psychologist, online educator, and Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto. The Jordan B Peterson podcast frequently tops the charts in the Education category. He has written three books, Maps of Meaning, an academic work, presenting a new scientifically-grounded theory of religious and political belief, and the bestselling 12 Rules for Life, and Beyond Order, which have sold more than seven million copies. With his wife, Tammy, Dr. Peterson’s international lecture tours have sold out more than 400 venues, providing live insight into the structure of mythology and narrative to hundreds of thousands of people. For twenty years, he taught some of the most highly regarded courses at Harvard and the University of Toronto, while publishing more than a hundred well-cited scientific papers with his students and co-authors. Dr. Peterson’s online programs, selfauthoring.com and understandmyself.com have helped tens of thousands of people inquire deeply into the structure of their personalities, develop a vision for their future, and sort out the details of their pasts. He maintained an active clinical and consulting practice during this period, helping individuals across the full spectrum of ability and temperament deal with the complexities of their lives and situations. In conjunction with the Daily Wire Plus, Dr. Peterson recently led and released a 17-part seminar on the biblical book of Exodus, as the continuation of his critically and publicly acclaimed lectures on Genesis.

Jordan B Peterson Verified


Jordan B. Peterson is a Canadian professor of psychology, clinical psychologist, YouTube personality, best-selling author and host of the #1 Education Podcast, "The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast." Watch the entirety of Dr. Peterson's catalog on DailyWire+ This channel features videos from his classes, podcasts, interviews, book tours, and lectures. You can watch the incredibly popular lecture series "Personality and Its Transformations", "Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief", as well as his "The Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories" lectures for free.

Peter R Breggin MD Verified


Peter Breggin MD and Ginger Ross Breggin have been married and working together for almost 40 years. Peter is known as "The Conscience of Psychiatry" for his many decades of successful reform work in mental health. He has published more than 20 medical and popular books, several coedited or coauthored by Ginger, including the huge bestseller Talking Back to Prozac. He has written more than 70 peer-reviewed publications and testified in court more than 100 times with many cases related to drug company and medical malfeasance. The couple has now turned their attention to the misuse of science and the suppression of freedoms surrounding COVID-19 and its origins by those they identify as "global predators." Peter and Ginger have written the bestselling new book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey with introductions by top COVID-19 scientists and physicians, Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH; Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD; and Vladimir "Zev" Zelenko. The book is available everywhere. This is the correct channel to follow. We are trying to combine the channel PeterBregginMD into this one. https://rumble.com/v2zacdm-peter-r.-breggin-md-radio-interview-2007.html

Peter Maxwell Slattery


Offical Channel Assisting the spiritual seeker with tips and tools to embrace the human experience and multidimensional mind, Pete has taught many worldwide to meditate, remote view, and initiate contact with extraterrestrials. Jaya Sanctuary in Victoria Australia, Peter Maxwell Slattery can be reached… Pete has appeared on History Channel's Ancient Aliens and Paranormal Caught On Camera, Channel 7's Prime News, and Sunrise, and many other international television programs. He has made worldwide news, been in numerous documentaries, been written about in magazines, and has been a guest on mainstream radio shows, including Coast-to-Coast AM. He is also in the movies The Cosmic Secret, James Gilliland's Contact Has Begun 2, Multidimensional, and Ascension: The UFO and Paranormal Connection, released in 2023.​ For more go to websites Peter Maxwell Slattery www.petermaxwellslattery.com Jaya Sanctuary www.jayasanctuary.com ECETI Australia www.ecetiaustralia.org