Dr. Patricia Mills, Wholistic MD


I'm a Medical Doctor with a different spin on health. I help motivated women attain vibrant health so they can feel amazing and live a life they love - and I do things differently. 📣 I'd like to share with you something very personal that took place in my life which made me a different kind of doctor in a way that better serves you. 👩🏽‍⚕️ I was practicing as a medical specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and pursuing a successful well-published career in research when my world was suddenly turned upside down. My dad, an avid runner, cyclist, and Iron Man competitor, was diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). With no family history of this fatal disease with no cure, we were shocked. 🤷🏼‍♀️ My own health was deteriorating, and at the time I was confused with why this was happening, frustrated with the lack of options despite my Western medicine training. Medications were a bandaid solution - I wanted to fix the root causes. 🏊🏼‍♀️I did the only thing I could do – I dove deep into the research. I went beyond what I was taught in Medical Specialty training and into other areas of health – Functional Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine, Nutritional Sciences, Health Technology, Ayurvedic Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and so much more. 📖 Using my medical research skills to systematically search thousands of studies, I discovered what I call The Four Pillars of Whole-Body Health: 😳 Stress Response ⚖️ Hormone Balance 🥘 Gut Health 🛑 Toxins Tolerance 🏛 All chronic diseases are as a result of deterioration in one or more of these Four Pillars, and they are almost all, to some extent, reversible SO LONG AS the root causes are identified and addressed IN TIME. 🧬 The research confirms that these root causes are rarely genetic; they are usually as a result of what we regularly eat, drink, breath, and put on our skin; how we move, sweat, think and connect (or don't connect) with others. 🔥 Now I teach about and create powerful research-backed action plans for a 'wholistic' approach to optimizing these Four Pillars including: ✅ Personalized nutrition ✅ Strategic lifestyle shifts ✅ Targeted supplements that work to balance your hormones, heal your gut, transform your stress response, avoid (and detoxify!) hidden harmful chemicals. ❤️‍🔥 I care deeply about your health, and I am here to help you attain your highest health so you can feel amazing and live a life you love. 🚀 I can't wait to see how you soar with this information. Dr. Patricia Mills, Wholistic MD Specialist in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Practicing Functional Medicine



Truth Revolt Originals Welcome to my ّFacebook channel, Here we unveil and expose the truth behind conspiracy theories, universal mysteries, special guests and much, much more. This channel is all about research, education, parody and entertainment. This channel doesn’t promote hate or negativity of any kind. Stay positive and enjoy the content. If you are new to the channel then please Subscribe, Like, Comment, Share and enjoy my videos. به کانال فیس بوک من خوش آمدید ، در اینجا ما حقیقت پشت تئوری های توطئه ، اسرار جهانی ، مهمانان ویژه و موارد دیگر را افشا و افشا می کنیم. این کانال همه در مورد تحقیق ، آموزش ، تقلید و سرگرمی است. این کانال هیچ گونه نفرت یا منفی بافی را تبلیغ نمی کند. مثبت بمانید و از مطالب لذت ببرید. اگر تازه وارد کانال شده اید لطفاً مشترک شوید ، لایک کنید ، نظر دهید ، به اشتراک بگذارید و از فیلم های من لذت ببرید. خداوند ایران را از جنگ .خشکسالی. ودروغگوئی محفوظ بدارد Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference never back down. FIGHT for what you BELIEVE IN! Kind Regards Admins PersianOcat https://twitter.com/PersianOcat https://www.instagram.com/persianocat/ https://telegram.me/PersianOcat https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJSHJPdTEOigfue2n7NJ_hg Be Happy

Arabic and Persian dance with Zumba رقص عربي وفارسي مع الزومبا


سلام و درود به شما مشترک گرامی تمام سعی این مجموعه تولید و خلق محتوایی شاد برای یک زندگی شاد می باشد ممنون که شاد بودن را به خودتان ودیگران هدیه می دهید. Hello and dear subscribers The whole effort of this collection is to produce and create happy content for a happy life Thank you for giving happiness to yourself and others. مرحبا عزيزي المشترك يتمثل الجهد الكامل لهذه المجموعة في إنتاج وإنشاء محتوى سعيد لحياة سعيدة شكرا لك على منح السعادة لنفسك وللآخرين https://shrinke.me/InL1

Integrative Osteopathy®, por Patrícia Trigo


Integrative Osteopathy® é um método que engloba e integra a Osteopatia Clássica, a Osteopatia Visceral e Neural, a Terapia Sacro-Craniana e várias Terapias Energéticas Multidimensionais. Tem como objectivo dar resposta a uma procura crescente das Terapias Complementares, cuja abordagem holística permite obter bons resultados no tratamento de várias manifestações de dor. Acima de tudo, pretende-se compreender e tratar as causas e não os sintomas, promovendo a saúde! Neste canal, encontra a rubrica "Despertar em Consciência", um local de conversas expontâneas e descontraídas, sobre variadíssimos temas que considero importantes no início desta Nova Era. Todos os sábados, um convidado, um tema, uma partilha de vida. Nos Tutorias encontra informação útil e específica, que frequentemente partilho com os meus pacientes como extensão das minhas consultas. Esta informação está facilmente disponível para ser vista as vezes necessárias, como prática consciente de cura e bem-estar.