Free And Equal Elections Verified


Free & Equal Elections Foundation is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization with a mission to open the U.S. electoral process. Since 2008, we’ve been producing meaningful Presidential Debates and organizing STRONG Independent Coalitions that promote AUTHENTIC Democracy to transform the current system which has been shaped by corporate influence. We are the ONLY organization to produce Nationally Televised Presidential Debates outside of the mainstream Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) A summary of our key initiatives includes: • Hosting Presidential, Gubernatorial & Senate Debates • Ensuring Independents have a Platform • Producing Electoral Reform Symposiums • Producing United We Stand Festivals with popular Musicians, Entertainers, and Thought Leaders • Creating a Blockchain Election Assistant App to transform our voting system and bring transparency to the electoral process. Visit us at to learn more.

Simon Rilling | Beyond Perception


Willkommen zum Beyond Perception Podcast, moderiert von Simon Rilling, Trainer für kreative Befähigung, Entdecker und Unternehmer. In diesem Podcast entdecken wir "Realität" und "wer wir wirklich sind" jenseits vorgefasster Konzepte und Überzeugungen. Ihr werdet von einer lebendigen Mischung an Gästen mit einzigartigen Perspektiven jenseits von Mainstream und Normopathie hören. Geleitet von der Intention uns zu befähigen ein inspiriertes Leben zu führen. Um zu werden, wer wir wirklich sind.

Perception Correction


Perception Correction welcomes an OPEN MIND to join us in an entertaining journey. While we revisit previous events in politics, banking, media, military, medicine, education and religion to see if our understanding of what happened is a result of a high-jacked perception that might be in need of a correction. The information presented will be serious but the delivery is intended to be entertaining, comical at times even. Hopefully the result is a refreshing audio/ visual experience compared to lectures, interviews and podcasts that usually dominate this space. Control of Information = Control of Perception = Control of Behaviour = Control of Society Let’s take back control!

Louisiana Politics and Election Integrity


Louisiana Power Coalition, LLC, Louisiana Citizens Advocacy Group (LACAG) and Citizens for Election Integrity are grassroots groups that have committed to restoring the core values of constitutional governance and election transparency to the State of Louisiana. Visit our social media sites for articles, videos, and documents covering a wide range of topics important to the citizens of Louisiana Louisiana Power Coalition, LLC: LACAG: Louisiana Citizens for Election Integrity: