Get Ready To Laugh w/ K-von


Get Ready To Laugh-\\n\\nComedian K-von (Netflix, TEDxTalks, Last Comic Standing) has been seen on TV & touring around the world. \\n\\nHe\\\'s not afraid to tackle any topic and his comedy ranges from family friendly to anything goes. \\n\\nThere are 3 ways to support his work:\\n\\n1. Join Patreon @KvonComedy \\n\\n2. Make a small donation on \\n\\n3. Share his videos here and on his social media pages: facebook + youtube = KvonComedy\\n\\nNow buckle up and prepare to watch over 400 videos!

Speak Truth Without Fear


This Show Brings Conservative Voices Together From All Industries Such As Actors, Music Producers, Artists, Film Makers, Journalists, Dancers, Athletes and Social Media Influencers. They Come Together In A Panel Style Discussion To Inspire Individuals To Be Courageous and Voice Their Beliefs and Values. Topics Range From Current Issues In The Areas Of Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Second Amendment, Immigration, Mainstream Media, Faith, Racial Divide, Environmental Health and Much Much More. Tune in Tuesday-Friday Morning. Also check out more of what we\\\'re doing on