The Patriot Strong Podcast
We are in a critical time & season thus we are educating the people in TRUTH, therefore the heartbeat of our conferences is to teach, equip and encourage all Patriots to stand as We The People.
Patriots Voice is here to help fellow patriots deal with the transition of going from the De Facto to the De Jure.
Videos Shared with Patriots.Win
Mind Your Own Business Christmas
What IS Patriot Stronghold? It's a large and exponentially growing movement among American Patriots that have drawn the line in the sand and have sworn to uphold the Constitution and America first values. I've spoken with disillusioned friends, family and neighbors, ex and current military specialists, etc. that have had enough of the FEW who would like to destroy our GREAT COUNTRY to usher in their pedo friendly one world government (never gonna happen) and we have banded together with like-minded Patriots and have co-ordinated TOGETHER many plans to counter their sick agenda no matter what step they take next. We know the enemy. We have studied them for a very long time. We have war gamed the many different scenareo's that COULD play out. With so many Patriots on board we have many of our bases covered. We want Peace, and a truly UNITED States is our goal. Nothing can stop what is coming, because NOW that these PEDO ELITES know they have lost they will stop at nothing to do as much destruction to our country (and others) that they can on their way out the door, but this does not weaken our resolve. We fight for the children. THEY use our children as currency. From here on in we will not allow that to continue. Proven "fiddlers" will be strung up on site in the event of a last ditch effort by the NWO to bum rush our country with illegal anti American militants (If they have enough to pay them) that would try and harm us and our families. When the Bullshit we have been enduring in our country finally is eradicated with the help of President Trump and the TRUE Patriots he is now surrounding himself with, we can perhaps THEN, and only then try and help other like-minded countries that have been poisoned by the Globalist Elite Satanic Pedophile networks. Then we will eradicate ALL of their organizations, leaving no stone unturned. But it will always be AMERICA FIRST when it comes to the PATRIOT STRONGHOLD and we will continue to FORCE the TRUTH down the throats of those who have not yet awoken in a seemingly never ending struggle to get even the lower IQ Americans out there to understand how dire the last four years have been and how to correct it. It seems hopeless but it’s always worth trying. Spreading this message far and wide is the ONLY WAY to counter this new information style warfare. Just hang in there a bit longer to see how this plays out, because in the end we will take our country back and all those who have wronged us will be penalized to the fullest extent of the law. It’s their move and Patriot Stronghold has a counter strategy for whatever shit they pull. We are done pussy footing around serious issues like drag queens in our schools, Illegals flooding across our border in astronomical waves, Billions of hard working, tax payer dollars going overseas to pay for other countries borders but not a penny spent on OURS and over 300,000 MISSING (just completely vanished from the face of the earth) children in the US alone and nobody doing a damn thing to stop it. Well Patriots take heart, because if we all stick together, it ends NOW. If ANY American Patriot needs to talk, share ideas, or just vent feel free to email me at Remember to tag the email as Patriot Stronghold so I can separate it from the spam and other less important subjects I get. I get a lot of mail so if I don’t get right back to you just be patient. We’re taking our country back and NOTHING can stop us. So keep your head on a swivel, have food and water for backup and always keep your powder dry. Your friend and countryman, James Webb Founder of Patriot Stronghold
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